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#america #America #money
Ask A Fuck-up: I’m ashamed of being so broke (The Outline)
Ask A Fuck-up: I’m ashamed of being so broke (The Outline)
Try to remember that your financial and emotional anxiety is a necessary aspect of an economic system that excels at both producing and consuming it: more anxiety means more work for less money... which means more anxiety. It’s a beast that eats its own shit. The fact that you “knew what you were signing up for” by going into a sometimes-noble profession does not make any of this your fault, or in any way diminish your right to feel awful about it. There is no job that grants nobility to economic precarity — struggling does not build character, it serves no one save those who profit from our immiseration.
Ask A Fuck-up: I’m ashamed of being so broke (The Outline)
Ellen Cushing: The Bacon-Wrapped Economy (East Bay Express)
Ellen Cushing: The Bacon-Wrapped Economy (East Bay Express)
But the thing about this particular brand of low-key wealth is that it can lead to a false sense of self, on both a micro and a macro level. Consumption is still consumption even if it's less conspicuous. Class may be harder to see here, but that doesn't make it any less real. Mark Zuckerberg's still a billionaire, even if he's wearing a hoodie and jeans. And if you don't feel or look rich, you don't necessarily feel the same sense of obligation that a traditional rich person does or should: Noblesse oblige is, after all, dependent on a classical idea of who is and is not the nobility. As that starts to fall away, obligation — to culture, to the future, to each other — begins to disappear, too.
Ellen Cushing: The Bacon-Wrapped Economy (East Bay Express)
Squashed: We are the 99 Percent
Squashed: We are the 99 Percent
‘Financial struggles are isolating. We don’t talk about them—so we don’t realize how universal they are. And because we careful ignore them, we don’t give them a high priority. We worry about airport security. Or a celebrity scandal. Or something Newt Gingrich (who’s still there) said. We don’t communally address the problems that may be most important to us.’
Squashed: We are the 99 Percent
Vulture: Nitsuh: Watch the Throne: Uneasy Heads Wear Gaudy Crowns
Vulture: Nitsuh: Watch the Throne: Uneasy Heads Wear Gaudy Crowns
“It’s a portrait of two black men thinking through the idea of success in America; what happens when your view of yourself as a suppressed, striving underdog has to give way to the admission that you’ve succeeded about as much as it’s worth bothering with; and how much your victory can really relate to (or feel like it’s on behalf of) your onetime peers who haven’t got a shred of what you’ve won. It’s not a topic that deserves to be scrubbed up, either; there are things about Kanye’s tiresome self-involvement and moody debauchery — the way he sounds like some sullen hip-hop emperor, stalking around the crumbling gilded palace of his own psyche, muttering angrily and getting aggressive with the help — that belong in any such portrait.”
Vulture: Nitsuh: Watch the Throne: Uneasy Heads Wear Gaudy Crowns