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John Lee on Twitter: "Some things that Milton Glaser said to my SVA class."
John Lee on Twitter: "Some things that Milton Glaser said to my SVA class."
Some things that Milton Glaser said to my SVA class, which I still think are good. In no particular order: - It should be impossible to be in the arts and not be generous - One of art's highest functions is to prevent ppl from killing each other. - Fame & money are corrosive, and you need to recognize this early - Art is a survival mechanism - Make ppl feel like they have something in common; that they aren't alone - Every artist should view themselves as citizens, not illustrators, designers etc. - Drawing is one of the only times he sees things that are 'real' - It's one of the rare experiences that he creates for himself. "The noise disappears" - Drawing shows your brain - Drawing expressively and evocatively is harder than drawing realistically - Artists don't say "where do I begin?" They've already began. - Drawing is in the realm of the miraculous. It's a miraculous occurrence. - The most modest of subjects can come alive in a drawing - What is the distance between what you see, and what you draw? - ALL my work is personal work. The only boundary is how I determine how it's used. - You get nothing but problems when you do work that conflicts w your integrity. - In any design problem, your client has needs, your audience has needs, but you also have needs - You attract what you do - Everything is connected and has an effect on the world. - There is no such thing as coincidence - Whether you like it or not, your work is ABOUT social responsibility - Don't overprotect. Share your vision at all times
John Lee on Twitter: "Some things that Milton Glaser said to my SVA class."