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#race #culture #music
Rawiya Kameir: M.I.A.’s ‘Matangi’ Is a Defiantly Personal Reclamation of the Brown Girl Narrative (The Daily Beast)
Rawiya Kameir: M.I.A.’s ‘Matangi’ Is a Defiantly Personal Reclamation of the Brown Girl Narrative (The Daily Beast)
It’s fairly easy, and indeed tempting, to write M.I.A. off as a faux-radical who relies on the borrowed aesthetics of revolution to sell records. But that superficial reading belies her truest political work: her commitment to self and the exploration of identity in a world and industry that is more comfortable with easily digestible predetermined narratives, particularly when it comes to racialized people.
Rawiya Kameir: M.I.A.’s ‘Matangi’ Is a Defiantly Personal Reclamation of the Brown Girl Narrative (The Daily Beast)
Eric Harvey: Rap Genius and Technologies of Translation
Eric Harvey: Rap Genius and Technologies of Translation
81 years later, Lomax’s quandary is a different issue. Rap Genius aims for a comprehensive archive of rap meanings, while redefining the idea of “genius” altogether. The intelligence of a single person is replaced by a self-correcting form of knowledge derived from the crowd, which often leads to populist rhetoric that papers over very real power differentials and well-established hierarchies. The site’s investors invest their venture with bold religious significance, but practically speaking, perhaps the real genius is in transsubstantiation, via a technological capacity to turn pleasurable activities into value-producing labor. It’s the same logic that fuels Wikipedia and Google search results: a free market of anonymous contributors is a vastly better information aggregator and processor than an individual human brain, and a killer app is all that’s needed to derive stable meaning from the messiness of culture.
Eric Harvey: Rap Genius and Technologies of Translation