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#sexualassault #race
Shanita Hubbard: Russell Simmons, R. Kelly, and Why Black Women Can’t Say #MeToo (NYT)
Shanita Hubbard: Russell Simmons, R. Kelly, and Why Black Women Can’t Say #MeToo (NYT)
When your community fights for the people who terrorized you, it means your pain is not a priority. --- #MeToo is triggering memories of that corner that I’ve tucked away for 20 years because I’ve been taught there are greater needs in the community. Perhaps this is part of the reason studies indicate only one in 15 African-American women report being raped. We’ve seen the unchecked power of white men ravish our communities, and we carry the message of “not right now” when it comes to addressing our pain if the offender is black.
Shanita Hubbard: Russell Simmons, R. Kelly, and Why Black Women Can’t Say #MeToo (NYT)