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Saved (Public Feed)

Kieron Gillen: On Monopoly and Capitalism
Kieron Gillen: On Monopoly and Capitalism
So let me get this straight, in Monopoly if you give one player more money to start out it’s “unfair” but if you do it in real life it’s “capitalism”? Monopoly’s original form of The Landlord Game which was explicitly designed to teach people about the unfairness of rent systems. […] When the usual suspects start making “don’t bring politics into games” noises, I roll my eyes pretty hard. They have no idea of the history of the form.
Kieron Gillen: On Monopoly and Capitalism
Be a Top Freelancer: Don’t Disappear
Be a Top Freelancer: Don’t Disappear
It’s easy to get caught up in the specifics of running a business or being a programmer. But sometimes, it’s the simple, old-fashioned things that humans have always struggled with – showing up, working hard, being reliable – that can advance your career. For me, it has been the single largest factor in growing my business, and it was completely by accident.
Be a Top Freelancer: Don’t Disappear
Andy Adams: How to Talk Yourself into Charging More
Andy Adams: How to Talk Yourself into Charging More
This is one of the most important things I’ve ever read. You’re a business. You have a price. You’ve (hopefully) given thought to that price. If someone can’t afford it, they really won’t be mad. Besides: If they are mad about your price, do you really want them as a client?
Andy Adams: How to Talk Yourself into Charging More
Superfamous Images
Superfamous Images
The Superfamous Images are available under the conditions of a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license. This means that you can use the work for your own purposes as long as credit is provided.
Superfamous Images
Welcome to I have a lot of pictures that I never ever use, but I hope that you get some use out of them! No need to credit me, but I will be happy If you do. Have fun / Magnus Jälthammar. All pix are free for private and commercial use.
Royalty free high resolution images for your personal and commercial projects. Updated Daily!
Bara Art
Bara Art
Free high resolution photos for your personal and even commercial projects!
Bara Art
Free Nature Stock
Free Nature Stock
Royalty-free Nature Stock Photos. Use them however you want. Created by Adrian Pelletier. Updated daily.
Free Nature Stock
Cool & free photos for your business or personal use in high resolution for free.
New Old Stock
New Old Stock
Vintage photos from the public archives. Free of known copyright restrictions. Recapturing History.
New Old Stock
Mandy Brown: The Vuvalini
Mandy Brown: The Vuvalini
Max isn’t emasculated by this exchange: there’s no humor about giving the gun to a woman, nothing self-deprecating about his inferiority, no hint at all that he sees what happened through their gender. In fact at no point in their relationship does gender play any role at all: they are each warriors, each trying to survive, each rescuing each other, together for as long (or short) as that makes sense.
Mandy Brown: The Vuvalini
Christina Xu: Your Project Deserves a Good Death
Christina Xu: Your Project Deserves a Good Death
Here’s the secret: endings are actually kind of awesome. No organization is started with the hope that it will become an antiquated behemoth that blocks progress with bureaucratic bloat — they calcify over time. Accepting the possibility of the end means periodically taking a critical look at your work and recognizing when its time has passed. Letting go of a project or an organization returns all of the resources it’s tying up — funding, attention, time, the emotional labor contributed by you and others — to the ecosystem. Whether by you or others, those resources will be recombined into new, surprising forms. Calcify not like a kidney stone but like coral: announce that your work is done so that others can build on your accomplishments.
Christina Xu: Your Project Deserves a Good Death
Jarrod Jenkins: 100 Days As A Black Man In Silicon Valley
Jarrod Jenkins: 100 Days As A Black Man In Silicon Valley
I get angry in SF, too. I saw a quote at the African American museum from Rep. Barbara Jordan that read, “All blacks are militant in their guts, but militancy is expressed in different ways.” For me, militancy is best expressed by attacking the problem and not just complaining about it. I’m furious about the homeless problem in SF, so I’m working to do something about it. And I’d like to see more Blacks in tech, so I started with myself.
Jarrod Jenkins: 100 Days As A Black Man In Silicon Valley
Adam Kotsko: What’s lost in the immigration debate
Adam Kotsko: What’s lost in the immigration debate
It’s not just that the target country happens to be rich while the immigrant’s home country happens to be poor (or, I might add, in political turmoil, in a state of civil war, etc., etc.). Those conditions hold in the home country because of the destructive effects of Western involvement — not just during the era of “official” colonization, but on an ongoing basis. People generally don’t leave prosperous, self-sufficient countries en masse in order to drive cabs and clean hotel rooms in a foreign country where they will be hated and scapegoated.
Adam Kotsko: What’s lost in the immigration debate
Navneet Alang: The Only Good Man is a Self-Hating Man (Hazlitt)
Navneet Alang: The Only Good Man is a Self-Hating Man (Hazlitt)
But it is just that pre-cognitive nature of desire and the unconscious that makes self-hate such a virtue for men. It isn’t actual “self-hatred” either, but rather, a deep skepticism of oneself—a profound mistrust of what it means to be a man. To be a good straight man is to be in a constant state of deprogramming oneself, unlearning, emptying out a vessel that has been filled with toxicity since its creation.
Navneet Alang: The Only Good Man is a Self-Hating Man (Hazlitt)
Chris Coyier: Tales of a Non-Unicorn: A Story About The Trouble with Job Titles and Descriptions (CSS Tricks)
Chris Coyier: Tales of a Non-Unicorn: A Story About The Trouble with Job Titles and Descriptions (CSS Tricks)
Who is writing these descriptions? I'm sure these companies find a perfect match now and again. But I have a feeling that's not the norm. It's more likely that many of these companies just don't know what they need so they look for everything. A recruiter or HR person whips something up and puts it out there to see who bites. Maybe they'll catch a unicorn!
Chris Coyier: Tales of a Non-Unicorn: A Story About The Trouble with Job Titles and Descriptions (CSS Tricks)