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Skulls Unlimited
Skulls Unlimited
Skulls Unlimited is the world's leading supplier of osteological specimens. Complete selection of legally-obtained animal skulls and replicas. Everything on this site makes me laugh.
Skulls Unlimited
Map Glyphs
Map Glyphs
The ultimate CSS map font with hundreds of scalable vector map icons of the world, continents, globes, countries and states.
Map Glyphs
TV Tropes: Standard Snippets
TV Tropes: Standard Snippets
Typically appearing in works that employ a score with non-original elements, these are brief segments of recognizable songs—like classical music that doesn't involve paying royalties—as themes for various types of scenes or activities. Some of these occur often enough to seem standardized, and in some cases they are the only reason people know the songs these days at all. Many of these have become verbal shorthand for particular nationalities or ethnicities, and thus may border on stereotypes.
TV Tropes: Standard Snippets
Amy Phillips: On the Ice Bucket Challenge
Amy Phillips: On the Ice Bucket Challenge
so far, it has raised over 10 million dollars… and counting. my mom has spent every single day of her life for the past three decades trying to get this kind of attention and funds for this disease. i don’t care if it’s a stupid gimmick. i don’t care if people are just doing this because it’s trendy or because they want pats on the back. i don’t care if it’s the new harlem shake. i don’t care if for the rest of my life, when i talk about ALS, i have to say “you know, the ice bucket disease.”
Amy Phillips: On the Ice Bucket Challenge
Michael Finkel: The Strange Tale of the North Pond Hermit (GQ)
Michael Finkel: The Strange Tale of the North Pond Hermit (GQ)
For nearly thirty years, a phantom haunted the woods of Central Maine. Unseen and unknown, he lived in secret, creeping into homes in the dead of night and surviving on what he could steal. To the spooked locals, he became a legend—or maybe a myth. They wondered how he could possibly be real. Until one day last year, the hermit came out of the forest.
Michael Finkel: The Strange Tale of the North Pond Hermit (GQ)
Greg Howard: America Is Not For Black People
Greg Howard: America Is Not For Black People
The United States of America is not for black people. We know this, and then we put it out of our minds, and then something happens to remind us. Saturday, in the St. Louis suburb of Ferguson, Mo., something like that happened: An unarmed 18-year-old black man was executed by police in broad daylight.
Greg Howard: America Is Not For Black People
Chris Molanphy: Senior Moments: Why More Albums by Middle-Aged Artists Like Tom Petty and "Weird Al" Are Hitting No. 1 (Pitchfork)
Chris Molanphy: Senior Moments: Why More Albums by Middle-Aged Artists Like Tom Petty and "Weird Al" Are Hitting No. 1 (Pitchfork)
It’s clear that senior artists have had their chart stats boosted by a music business where fewer acts sell albums, period. And it’s also true that older stars are more likely to have fans who still buy music. But guys like Tom Petty, Tony Bennett or Neil Diamond aren’t topping the album chart just because their buyers are loyal or because “the classics” will never die. They’re pulling it off because they’re not afraid to work a little for a hit. What’s true for millennial artists is true for the old guys: Can’t knock the hustle.
Chris Molanphy: Senior Moments: Why More Albums by Middle-Aged Artists Like Tom Petty and "Weird Al" Are Hitting No. 1 (Pitchfork)
Paul Ford: How to Be Polite
Paul Ford: How to Be Polite
People silently struggle from all kinds of terrible things. They suffer from depression, ambition, substance abuse, and pretension. They suffer from family tragedy, Ivy-League educations, and self-loathing. They suffer from failing marriages, physical pain, and publishing. The good thing about politeness is that you can treat these people exactly the same. And then wait to see what happens. You don’t have to have an opinion. You don’t need to make a judgment. I know that doesn’t sound like liberation, because we live and work in an opinion-based economy. But it is. Not having an opinion means not having an obligation. And not being obligated is one of the sweetest of life’s riches.
Paul Ford: How to Be Polite
Will Oremus: Take the “No Ice Bucket” Challenge—Stop Dumping Ice on Your Head. Just Give Money. (Slate)
Will Oremus: Take the “No Ice Bucket” Challenge—Stop Dumping Ice on Your Head. Just Give Money. (Slate)
It’s hard to shake the feeling that, for most of the people posting ice bucket videos of themselves on Facebook, Vine, and Instagram, the charity part remains a postscript. Remember, the way the challenge is set up, the ice-drenching is the alternative to contributing actual money. Some of the people issuing the challenges have tweaked the rules by asking people to contribute $10 even if they do soak themselves. Even so, a lot of the participants are probably spending more money on bagged ice than on ALS research. As for “raising awareness,” few of the videos I’ve seen contain any substantive information about the disease, why the money is needed, or how it will be used. More than anything else, the ice bucket videos feel like an exercise in raising awareness of one’s own zaniness, altruism, and/or attractiveness in a wet T-shirt.
Will Oremus: Take the “No Ice Bucket” Challenge—Stop Dumping Ice on Your Head. Just Give Money. (Slate)
Mathias Maul: Depression: Cut the preposition
Mathias Maul: Depression: Cut the preposition
The same goes for depression. Depression is not about something. Drop the preposition. This’ll help you understand and empathize with the folks struck with this illness.
Mathias Maul: Depression: Cut the preposition
Lindsay Zoladz: Everything Happens So Much (Pitchfork)
Lindsay Zoladz: Everything Happens So Much (Pitchfork)
Before this summer, I'd never listened to a Kraftwerk album in my life. Before this summer, I might have also been terrified to admit this publicly; I figured it was the kind of statement, especially coming from a music critic, that prompts somebody to knock at your door, flash an important-looking badge, and step aside to reveal a crew of movers who've come to cart away all of your records, because you are no longer deemed worthy of owning them.
Lindsay Zoladz: Everything Happens So Much (Pitchfork)
Julia Cook: Nine Hawaii Bands You Should Listen To Now (Paste Magazine)
Julia Cook: Nine Hawaii Bands You Should Listen To Now (Paste Magazine)
For Fans Of: Son Lux, Animal Collective Take an atmospheric siesta with Laylo’s creative and sometimes dissonant vocals. Like a hip-hop songstress who stumbled into a drum circle, lyrics are definitely the centerpiece of Queen’s EP, Moonlight, which dropped last September. With a flair for the spooky, their electronic stylings were featured as part of Hawaii’s Halloween festival, Hallowbaloo. Personally asked to open for the Cure, you can hear some Robert Smith throughout their three EPs, all free for download on their website.
Julia Cook: Nine Hawaii Bands You Should Listen To Now (Paste Magazine)
Quinn Norton: Everything Is Broken
Quinn Norton: Everything Is Broken
Written by people with either no time or no money, most software gets shipped the moment it works well enough to let someone go home and see their family. What we get is mostly terrible.
Quinn Norton: Everything Is Broken
Paul Ford: The American Room
Paul Ford: The American Room
The curtains are drawn. Some light comes through, casting a small glow on the top left of the air conditioner. It’s daytime. The wall is an undecorated slab of beige. That is the American room.
Paul Ford: The American Room
Mara Robinson: Wax and Wane: The Tough Realities Behind Vinyl's Comeback (Pitchfork)
Mara Robinson: Wax and Wane: The Tough Realities Behind Vinyl's Comeback (Pitchfork)
More and more people are buying vinyl; sales hit a record 6.1 million units in the U.S. last year. But as demand increases, the number of American pressing plants remains relatively fixed. No one is building new presses because, by all accounts, it would be prohibitively expensive. So the industry is limited to the dozen or so plants currently operating in the States.
Mara Robinson: Wax and Wane: The Tough Realities Behind Vinyl's Comeback (Pitchfork)
Kevin Kelly: You Are Not Late
Kevin Kelly: You Are Not Late
In terms of the internet, nothing has happened yet. The internet is still at the beginning of its beginning. If we could climb into a time machine and journey 30 years into the future, and from that vantage look back to today, we’d realize that most of the greatest products running the lives of citizens in 2044 were not invented until after 2014.
Kevin Kelly: You Are Not Late
Nate Patrin: The Strange World of Library Music (Pitchfork)
Nate Patrin: The Strange World of Library Music (Pitchfork)
The dusty field of library music—background tracks owned by labels and lent out to TV, radio, and film projects—has proven to be an endless sample source for hip-hop producers as well as inspiration for avant-garde experimentalists.
Nate Patrin: The Strange World of Library Music (Pitchfork)
Mathias Bynens: 3.14 Things I Didn’t Know About CSS
Mathias Bynens: 3.14 Things I Didn’t Know About CSS
From the CSS Day Conference. This talk will showcase a series of obscure CSS fun facts, such as CSS syntax gimmicks and quirks, weird tricks that involve CSS in one way or another, and security vulnerabilities that are enabled by (ab)using CSS in unexpected ways.
Mathias Bynens: 3.14 Things I Didn’t Know About CSS