Saved (Public Feed)

Saved (Public Feed)

Simon Reynolds: Maximal Nation (Pitchfork)
Simon Reynolds: Maximal Nation (Pitchfork)
On maximalism in electronic music. ‘Meanwhile, the software's scope for tweaking the parameters of any given sonic event opens up a potential "bad infinity" abyss of fiddly fine-tuning. When digital software meshes with the minimalist aesthetic you get what Ingram calls "audio trickle": a finicky focus on sound-design, intricate fluctuations in rhythm, and other minutiae that will be awfully familiar to anyone who has followed mnml or post-dubstep during the last decade. But now that same digital technology is getting deployed to opposite purposes: rococo-florid riffs, eruptions of digitally-enhanced virtuosity, skyscraping solos, and other "maxutiae," all daubed from a palette of fluorescent primary colors. Audio trickle has given way to audio torrent-- the frothing extravagance of fountain gardens in the Versailles style.’
Simon Reynolds: Maximal Nation (Pitchfork)
Marco Arment: The next SOPA
Marco Arment: The next SOPA
Correct but impossible -- this is starting too large. ‘So maybe, instead of waiting for the MPAA’s next law and changing our Twitter avatars for a few days in protest, it would be more productive to significantly reduce or eliminate our support of the MPAA member companies starting today, and start supporting campaign finance reform.’
Marco Arment: The next SOPA
Squashed: "Some people shouldn't own houses"
Squashed: "Some people shouldn't own houses"
‘The problem with the expansion of homeownership wasn’t that some people don’t have what it takes to be homeowners. They did. The problem was that traditional methods of discrimination were replaced by new forms of exploitation. Borrowers in certain neighborhoods were steered toward subprime loans. Appraisals were deliberately inflated. Loans with predatory terms were set up and designed to fail. None of that had to happen. And now, as that house of cards is collapsing, we’re losing decades of progress in integrating and stabilizing neighborhoods.’
Squashed: "Some people shouldn't own houses"
Susan Cain: The Rise of the New Groupthink (
Susan Cain: The Rise of the New Groupthink (
‘To harness the energy that fuels both these drives, we need to move beyond the New Groupthink and embrace a more nuanced approach to creativity and learning. Our offices should encourage casual, cafe-style interactions, but allow people to disappear into personalized, private spaces when they want to be alone. Our schools should teach children to work with others, but also to work on their own for sustained periods of time. And we must recognize that introverts like Steve Wozniak need extra quiet and privacy to do their best work.’
Susan Cain: The Rise of the New Groupthink (
HTML5 Please
HTML5 Please
‘Look up HTML5, CSS3, etc features, know if they are ready for use, and if so find out how you should use them – with polyfills, fallbacks or as they are.’
HTML5 Please
Hawaii Punk MegaMix by Harry Jerkface (Stuck on a Rock… Stuck Under a Rock)
Hawaii Punk MegaMix by Harry Jerkface (Stuck on a Rock… Stuck Under a Rock)
‘ I present to you a Hawaii punk mix, which was put together by our comrade Harry, an ex-pat Hawaii punk currently living in Los Angeles, CA. He's been in a lot of bands since his teens, and is currently playing in Hands Like Bricks, Harry and the Hendersons and Black Fag (The Absolutely Fabulous Tribute to Black Flag) in L.A. and Eddie Murphy's Law when he visits the 808. ‘Harry made a mix for a friend who was curious about the scene over here. It kinda goes all over spectrum through genres and decades, with lots of old school stuff and a few current jams as well. Some bands on here have a discography of demos and albums, some only got to record one or two songs for a comp, so you get a really broad idea of the music scene over the years. Harry also wrote some great notes to go with it, which you'll find when you open the zip file.’
Hawaii Punk MegaMix by Harry Jerkface (Stuck on a Rock… Stuck Under a Rock)
Tom Ewing: Lana Del Rey Lights Up the Internet (Village Voice)
Tom Ewing: Lana Del Rey Lights Up the Internet (Village Voice)
‘In other words, "Video Games" sounds classicist at first, "retro" in a vague way. But the closer it gets, the more obvious its theatrics become, even before you take Del Rey's image-building into account. It's uncanny valley pop about an uncanny valley love affair—almost convincing, but just wrong enough to chill and fascinate.’
Tom Ewing: Lana Del Rey Lights Up the Internet (Village Voice)
Nitsuh Abebe: Lana Del Rey: Lurching Toward Vegas (Vulture)
Nitsuh Abebe: Lana Del Rey: Lurching Toward Vegas (Vulture)
‘She’s really quite earnest about what she’s trying, and alarmingly scattershot in her ability to get there — good news for those of us with the critical distance to chuckle happily over Born to Die, and also, perhaps, for anyone who wants to swallow it whole and digest a lot of strange, messy ideas about being a “girl.”’
Nitsuh Abebe: Lana Del Rey: Lurching Toward Vegas (Vulture)
Jay Rosen: A Brief Theory of the Republican Party, 2012
Jay Rosen: A Brief Theory of the Republican Party, 2012
‘In so far as a political party in the United States can "decide" anything, the party decided not to have the fight it needed to have between reality-based Republicans and the other kind. And so it is having that fight now, during the 2012 election season, but in disguised form. The results are messy and confusing.’
Jay Rosen: A Brief Theory of the Republican Party, 2012
Coyote Tracks: The enemy of my enemy
Coyote Tracks: The enemy of my enemy
‘There are a lot of stories out there which are genuine examples of terrible government overreach and/or the evils of the current copyright system. Megaupload’s story is not one of them. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” is not a universal truth—and sometimes it puts you in the company of pretty crappy friends.’
Coyote Tracks: The enemy of my enemy
Paul Carr: Costolo is Right: Wikipedia’s SOPA Blackout is a Terrible Idea (PandoDaily)
Paul Carr: Costolo is Right: Wikipedia’s SOPA Blackout is a Terrible Idea (PandoDaily)
‘The trouble with taking a political stance on one issue is that your silence on every issue becomes a stance. Human rights abuses in Libya? Not as important as SOPA. Roe v Wade? Not as important as SOPA. Everything else that’s happened in the world until now, and everything that will ever happen from this day forward? Not as important as SOPA. This Wednesday, with its quixotic yelp in support of the Internet community’s issue-du-jour, Wikipedia will do more damage to its independence than SOPA ever could.’
Paul Carr: Costolo is Right: Wikipedia’s SOPA Blackout is a Terrible Idea (PandoDaily)
Lightsleepers: Beatroot | Welwing | Qualified
Lightsleepers: Beatroot | Welwing | Qualified
‘Beatroot 5 of 6 quali went in and was hype! It was the first time we had a Sudden Death Tie. Every battle was super close and it could of gone either way. When all the digital dust settled, WELWING emerged as the winner. KOWAI KOWAI, took the battle to a tie breaker and came in a really close 2nd.’
Lightsleepers: Beatroot | Welwing | Qualified
Angus Finlayson: Inauthentic Scenarios: Oneohtrix Point Never On His Henri Rousseau Record (The Quietus)
Angus Finlayson: Inauthentic Scenarios: Oneohtrix Point Never On His Henri Rousseau Record (The Quietus)
“In other words, I'm not inspired by the Serengeti, I'm inspired by world music depictions of African expanses, and the sort of false authenticity of those depictions. As if Peter Gabriel has a handle on what the fuck is going on with FGM in Sudan. It's ludicrous. On a track like 'Preyouandi', I'm attempting at least to make sense of my relationship to those sorts of musical practices, while retaining some of their melodic and aesthetic ideas that I'm so clearly drawn to.”
Angus Finlayson: Inauthentic Scenarios: Oneohtrix Point Never On His Henri Rousseau Record (The Quietus)