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Saved (Public Feed)

Village Voice: Music: Tyler, the Creator’s Boy’s Club
Village Voice: Music: Tyler, the Creator’s Boy’s Club
“The highest points and most infuriating moments on ‘Goblin’ come from the fact that it’s a vérité depiction of the worst aspects of American boy culture. You know, hating girls because they don’t like you because you’re a weirdo, hating any and all authority figures because they try to tell you how not to be such a weirdo. But most importantly (and scarily), there’s the part that involves lashing out about being viewed as a weirdo, and being summarily rewarded—i.e. seen as normal—for doing so. (It probably goes without saying that girls don’t have the same luxury.) Nobody cares about Tyler the Creator being someone’s role model in 2011. Which in a way, is the scariest thing about ‘Goblin’—too much of his scary fantasizing, for too many boys, is all too normal.”
Village Voice: Music: Tyler, the Creator’s Boy’s Club
Topspin Media: The Unbundling (and Re-Bundling) of Music
Topspin Media: The Unbundling (and Re-Bundling) of Music
How music became ‘un-bundled’ from CDs as consumers downloaded the one or two songs they actually wanted, and how direct-to-fan sales have re-bundled that music into not just CDs but digital releases, vinyl, and every manner of special package imaginable. “As artists get their arms around all their rights and build direct relationships with their fans we’re seeing artists’ output RE-BUNDLED into higher value packages and average revenue per transaction greater than those delivered by the Compact Disc.”
Topspin Media: The Unbundling (and Re-Bundling) of Music
Teenage Art: On Sad Blog Posts
Teenage Art: On Sad Blog Posts
On the inadequacy of social media for dealing with actual human emotions. “If you are … feeling sad, turn off the social media, call up another human being and let them take you out. Your sad emotions have value. Make sure you aren’t throwing them away in a market that can’t recognize it.”
Teenage Art: On Sad Blog Posts College the Easy Way College the Easy Way
“Students are hitting the books less and partying more. Easier courses and easier majors have become more and more popular. Perhaps more now than ever, the point of the college experience is to have a good time and walk away with a valuable credential after putting in the least effort possible.” “Many of these young men and women are unable to communicate effectively, solve simple intellectual tasks (such as distinguishing fact from opinion), or engage in effective problem-solving.”
·· College the Easy Way
I should install this. “Webmin is a web-based interface for system administration for Unix. Using any modern web browser, you can setup user accounts, Apache, DNS, file sharing and much more. Webmin removes the need to manually edit Unix configuration files like /etc/passwd, and lets you manage a system from the console or remotely.”
Brett Terpstra: Automated HTML5 video encoding revisited
Brett Terpstra: Automated HTML5 video encoding revisited
This will come in handy someday. “The script is specifically designed to take an MPEG-4, H.264 file, move it to a new folder based on the filename, create WEBM and OGV versions of it in the new folder, and upload the whole folder to a server using rsync. SSH information and target directories are specified in the config at the top of the script. At the end, it takes what it knows about the files and filenames and creates a TextMate Markdown blog template, inserts the video shortcode for the VideoJS WordPress plugin (which is common syntax for other plugins as well) and opens it for editing in TextMate.”
Brett Terpstra: Automated HTML5 video encoding revisited
This Tumblr posts PDFs of poetry anthologies and books of cultural writing and other classic texts, bits of important historical music-related interviews, old, rare, or otherwise important or interesting records, etc. Would that I had the time to take in everything listed here.
Slate Magazine: Why Starbucks actually helps mom and pop coffeehouses
Slate Magazine: Why Starbucks actually helps mom and pop coffeehouses
“After all, if Starbucks can make a profit by putting its stores right across the street from each other, as it so often does, why couldn't a unique, well-run mom and pop do even better next-door? And given America's continuing thirst for exorbitantly priced gourmet coffee drinks, there's a lot of cash out there for the taking. As coffee consultant Dan Cox explained, ‘You can't do better than a cup of coffee for profit. It's insanity. A cup of coffee costs 16 cents. Once you add in labor and overhead, you're still charging a 400 percent markup—not bad! Where else can you do that?’ Until Americans decide they need to pay four bucks a pop every morning for a custom-baked, designer-toast experience, probably nowhere.”
Slate Magazine: Why Starbucks actually helps mom and pop coffeehouses
Honolulu Weekly: Social Lite: Hello, Los Angeles
Honolulu Weekly: Social Lite: Hello, Los Angeles
A picture of Chaz with two fans and a brief mention of the show. “As I’m packing a bag for Los Angeles this week I’m laughing to myself because I already know the dialogues I’m going to have with everyone there. It’s going to be about here. How we got to see Toro Y Moi and how the weather is getting hot for spring.”
Honolulu Weekly: Social Lite: Hello, Los Angeles
Nonstop Honolulu: Party pics: Toro Y Moi
Nonstop Honolulu: Party pics: Toro Y Moi
Photos by Tracy Chan. “The South Carolina-based ‘chillwave’ musician and his band brought their signature brand of funky, groovy, electronic shoegaze jams to a sold-out show at NextDoor Saturday night. Opening were local acts Clones of the Queen and Painted Highways. Although the club was packed and sweaty, people really got into the music, some dancing and some just swaying with eyes closed.”
Nonstop Honolulu: Party pics: Toro Y Moi
The ASC: John Bailey's Bailiwick: Spomenik—Jan Kempenaers and “The End of History”
The ASC: John Bailey's Bailiwick: Spomenik—Jan Kempenaers and “The End of History”
Beautiful, haunting, gigantic sculptures. “There are hundreds of them scattered throughout villages and rural landscapes in the former Yugoslavia. Once the site of pilgrimages by schoolchildren, military veterans, patriots, and mourners who had lost family in WWII, these Spomeniks (monuments) are today rarely visited. Often built out of concrete in a style dubbed Brutalism, these secular totems were meant to endure, impervious to the mere march of time—a testament and continuous witness to the new unity of the historically fractious Balkan states—the unity of all the Slavs, YUGOSLAVIA.”
The ASC: John Bailey's Bailiwick: Spomenik—Jan Kempenaers and “The End of History”
Honolulu Pulse: Pulse Picks: More ideas for the days ahead (April 21, 2011)
Honolulu Pulse: Pulse Picks: More ideas for the days ahead (April 21, 2011)
Friend and ally Gary Chun gives COTQ and the Toro Y Moi show another shoutout in the Honolulu Pulse picks. Too kind. “Arguably the busiest indie rock band in Honolulu, Clones of the Queen had six shows lined up this month, and will be concluding their run this weekend and Thursday. Band member Matthew McVickar (also known as solo act Lapwing) is promoting his first club concert, and he got a great first mainland act in Toro Y Moi, the retro-pop-funk band led by Chaz Bundick. He and the band, along with fellow indie noteworthy band Painted Highways, will open for Bundick and company Saturday night at NextDoor starting at 9. Tickets are $20.”
Honolulu Pulse: Pulse Picks: More ideas for the days ahead (April 21, 2011)
Contrast Magazine: Toro Y Mix
Contrast Magazine: Toro Y Mix
Contrast put up the mixtape of MP3s I put together at Ara's request, and I think it helped a lot, because there were 122 downloads (!) of the .zip file. (I mistakenly hosted the ToroMix I made on, who, after that many downloads, removed the file, so the link doesn't work anymore. I was excited about because it's clean and allowed for hot-linking to files without interstitial 'Download This!' pages, but I should have known better to trust a baby webapp with vital data.)
Contrast Magazine: Toro Y Mix
Teenage Art: Henry Rollins Wants to Do Comedy on 'The Paul Reiser Show'
Teenage Art: Henry Rollins Wants to Do Comedy on 'The Paul Reiser Show'
“Criticism is only useful when it helps us see something we are having difficulty seeing on our own; it’s not helpful when it tells us to stop looking. ‘But what if everyone pays attention to the wrong things? We have to guide them to the right things!’ Well, eventually everyone stops paying attention to everything: time is pretty effective that way. With that in mind, we should only worry about pointing the good out, and not worrying about the bad. And in the age of the Internet, this dictum takes on added force. Think of it as the Paris Hilton effect: talking about the bad just encourages the bad. No one has ever cured a celebrity of anorexia by posting photographs of her on the Internet, or has helped Charlie Sheen get off alcohol by getting exasperated at his stupidity. Trashing bad people and bad art does not make you a good person.”
Teenage Art: Henry Rollins Wants to Do Comedy on 'The Paul Reiser Show'
O'Reilly Radar: Would I attend my own conference?
O'Reilly Radar: Would I attend my own conference?
Sarah Millstein on the lack of women speakers at conferences. “Because some of you aren’t like me in your choices, there are profitable conferences with speaker rosters that look like roll call for the signers of the Constitution. But conferences that want to be taken seriously by people who take other kinds of people seriously need more diversity among the speakers to thrive. And conference organizers, whose goals often include highlighting new ideas, cannot simply recycle the same short list of well-known speakers from show to show.”
O'Reilly Radar: Would I attend my own conference?
Fluxtumblr: How much longer will record labels remain useful? Or maybe more interestingly, when’s the last time you heard a great unsigned band?
Fluxtumblr: How much longer will record labels remain useful? Or maybe more interestingly, when’s the last time you heard a great unsigned band?
I’m going to write about this post in a few days. “I don’t personally care much about finding ‘great unsigned bands;’ I am not in A&R or publicity. If I was going to spend all of my time focused on listening to the first four or five songs written by a series of unknown acts I would lose my mind, because I am increasingly interested in issues of style and craft that are usually lost on people who are just starting out. I’d rather have people at record labels deal with that and facilitate the process of making finished records. There’s a lot of great labels out there — if I’m going to find something new, I trust them more than anyone else other than my friends and colleagues.”
Fluxtumblr: How much longer will record labels remain useful? Or maybe more interestingly, when’s the last time you heard a great unsigned band?
Anil Dash: Funding a Startup Without VC
Anil Dash: Funding a Startup Without VC
“I love entrepreneurship, and I love tech startups, but sometimes I'm struck by the lack of perspective that many tech entrepreneurs have about creating a startup. One of the most common things that entrepreneurs in the tech sector lose sight of is that most companies never get venture capital funding, especially outside of the technology world. That's not to say that VC hasn't played an important rule in the growth of many of the biggest and best companies, sites and apps. It's just not the only option.”
Anil Dash: Funding a Startup Without VC
Feed Rinse
Feed Rinse
“1. Import your feeds. Enter the url for your feeds, import your OPML file, or use our bookmarklet — it’s up to you. 2. Set up your filters. You can rinse your feeds by keyword, author, tag, etc, or filter profanity and more. 3. Enjoy your new feeds. Your RSS reader of choice simply retrieves your clean feeds. It’s that easy.”
Feed Rinse
Ethan Schoonover: Solarized
Ethan Schoonover: Solarized
“Precision colors for machines and people.” “Solarized is a sixteen color palette (eight monotones, eight accent colors) designed for use with terminal and gui applications. It has several unique properties. I designed this colorscheme with both precise CIELAB lightness relationships and a refined set of hues based on fixed color wheel relationships. It has been tested extensively in real world use on color calibrated displays (as well as uncalibrated/intentionally miscalibrated displays) and in a variety of lighting conditions.”
Ethan Schoonover: Solarized