Beanalogic: Cameramail: The Journey of a Disposable Camera

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Disposable Camera Sent Via Snail Mail - Uncustomary Art
A disposable camera was sent sans package through snail mail from Baltimore to Chicago to Boston and back to Baltimore again.
WonderHowTo: Disposable "CameraMail" Reveals the Inner Workings of the Post Office
What would happen if a working disposable camera were to travel from Massachusetts to Hawaii via first-class mail, with explicit instructions for its handlers to take photographs? You'd get a rare ...
Kodak: A Thousand Words — Guest Blog Post: Camera Mail
I wrote this guest post for the Kodak blog. I think they are sending me free Kodak single-use cameras in exchange.
Boing Boing: Cameramail: sending disposable cams through the post with a note asking posties to take pix
“Matthew McVickar designs these Cameramail packages with disposable film-cameras taped to their front and a note exhorting posties to take pictures of themselves and environs as the package passes through their custody.”
Neatorama: Behind the Scenes of the USPS
“I love the idea of this project by web designer Matthew McVickar. He sent this camera in the mail with a message asking the postal workers to take pictures on the camera’s trip to its destination. The result is fun and educational, and it would be a great school project for any teachers out there.” Smile, you’re on camera mail! A camera’s journey across America
I was interviewed by Debra Black at the Toronto Star this morning.
“For Matthew McVickar the idea of sending a disposable camera attached to a piece of cardboard was intriguing. What kind of pictures would one get, he wondered? Would the camera make it to its destination?”
I Am Bored: Traveling Camera Mail
“no nasty pics, im surprised”
9GAG: Camera Mail
“that's a great idea but the pictures aren't as fun as one would've imagined”
New School of Photography: it's in the mail...
“Matthew McVickar decided to send a camera through the mail, these are the images it captured.”
Save Snail Mail: Camera mail
Another link.
Laughing Squid: Photos Shot by Camera That Was Mailed Through Postal System
Another one.
Reddit: pics: Disposable Camera Captures Its Own Trip Across the United States
My first time on reddit, again about the cameramail.
Petapixel: Disposable Camera Captures Its Own Trip Across the United States
“Five years ago, web designer Matthew McVickar decided to give one lucky disposable camera a free vacation, sending it through the mail from Cape Cod, Massachusetts to Honolulu, Hawaii with the instructions ‘Take a photo before you pass it on!’. When he got the camera back, there were seven photographs taken by various workers in the United States Postal Service that show the cameras journey (and the inner workings of the USPS!).”