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#education #technology
Anne Galloway: 5 Things About Ubiquitous Computing That Make Me Nervous (Design Culture Lab)
Anne Galloway: 5 Things About Ubiquitous Computing That Make Me Nervous (Design Culture Lab)
For all our focus on teaching students to design digital and physical products, I don’t think we’re doing a good enough job of getting them to understand their process as a form of social, cultural, political, ethical, etc. agency. There is still, I think, too much emphasis on design process as some sort of mythical, mystical, essentially ineffable, act of creation.
Anne Galloway: 5 Things About Ubiquitous Computing That Make Me Nervous (Design Culture Lab)
Hyping classroom technology helps tech firms, not students -
Hyping classroom technology helps tech firms, not students -
‘It’s great to suggest that every student should be equipped with a laptop or given 24/7 access to Wi-Fi, but shouldn’t our federal bureaucrats figure out how to stem the tidal wave of layoffs in the teaching ranks and unrelenting cutbacks in school programs and maintenance budgets first? School districts can’t afford to buy enough textbooks for their pupils, but they’re supposed to equip every one of them with a $500 iPad?’
Hyping classroom technology helps tech firms, not students -
MIT Media Lab: $100 Laptop
MIT Media Lab: $100 Laptop
"The MIT Media Lab is launching a new research initiative to develop a $100 laptop—a technology that could revolutionize how we educate the world's children."
MIT Media Lab: $100 Laptop