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#government #occupywallst #america
Rortybomb: Parsing the Data and Ideology of the We Are 99% Tumblr
Rortybomb: Parsing the Data and Ideology of the We Are 99% Tumblr
‘Upon reflection, it is very obvious where the problems are. There’s no universal health care to handle the randomness of poor health. There’s no free higher education to allow people to develop their skills outside the logic and relations of indentured servitude. Our bankruptcy code has been rewritten by the top 1% when instead, it needs to be a defense against their need to shove inequality-driven debt at populations. And finally, there’s no basic income guaranteed to each citizen to keep poverty and poor circumstances at bay. We have piecemeal, leaky versions of each of these in our current liberal social safety net. Having collated all these responses, I think completing these projects should be the ultimate goal of the 99%.’
Rortybomb: Parsing the Data and Ideology of the We Are 99% Tumblr
Squashed: We are the 99 Percent
Squashed: We are the 99 Percent
‘Financial struggles are isolating. We don’t talk about them—so we don’t realize how universal they are. And because we careful ignore them, we don’t give them a high priority. We worry about airport security. Or a celebrity scandal. Or something Newt Gingrich (who’s still there) said. We don’t communally address the problems that may be most important to us.’
Squashed: We are the 99 Percent