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#occupywallst #finance
Andrew Ross Sorkin: Occupy Wall Street: A Frenzy That Fizzled (
Andrew Ross Sorkin: Occupy Wall Street: A Frenzy That Fizzled (
Has the debate over breaking up the banks that were too big to fail, save for a change of heart by the former chairman of Citigroup, Sanford I. Weill, really changed or picked up steam as a result of Occupy Wall Street? No. Have any new regulations for banks or businesses been enacted as a result of Occupy Wall Street? No. Has there been any new meaningful push to put Wall Street executives behind bars as a result of Occupy Wall Street? No. And even on the issues of economic inequality and upward mobility — perhaps Occupy Wall Street’s strongest themes — has the movement changed the debate over executive compensation or education reform? It is not even a close call.
Andrew Ross Sorkin: Occupy Wall Street: A Frenzy That Fizzled (
Squashed: We are the 99 Percent
Squashed: We are the 99 Percent
‘Financial struggles are isolating. We don’t talk about them—so we don’t realize how universal they are. And because we careful ignore them, we don’t give them a high priority. We worry about airport security. Or a celebrity scandal. Or something Newt Gingrich (who’s still there) said. We don’t communally address the problems that may be most important to us.’
Squashed: We are the 99 Percent