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#racism #trolling #feminism #psychology
Whitney Phillips: What an Academic Who Wrote Her Dissertation on Trolls Thinks of Violentacrez (The Atlantic)
Whitney Phillips: What an Academic Who Wrote Her Dissertation on Trolls Thinks of Violentacrez (The Atlantic)
I would challenge the idea that trolls, and trolls alone, are why we can't have nice things online. There is no doubt that trolls are disruptive, and there is no doubt that trolls can make life very difficult. That said, trolling behaviors signify much more than individual pathology. They are directly reflective of the culture out of which they emerge, immediately complicating knee-jerk condemnations of the entire behavioral category. Until the conversation is directed towards the institutional incubators out of which trolling emerges -- as opposed to just the trolls themselves -- no ground will be gained, and no solutions reached.
Whitney Phillips: What an Academic Who Wrote Her Dissertation on Trolls Thinks of Violentacrez (The Atlantic)