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#writing #taste #culture
Nitsuh Abebe: Why We Fight: Your Chemical Romance (Pitchfork)
Nitsuh Abebe: Why We Fight: Your Chemical Romance (Pitchfork)
People born during a dip in the birth rate grow up consuming a lot of culture that's aimed at someone older than them. People born during a boom do not do cultural apprenticeship, because everything is quickly aimed at them; they watch the things that appeal to their age group bloom and succeed, whether anyone else is interested in it or not. This is why some Americans have spent decades clutching their heads as the Baby Boom generation makes big chunks of our world revolve around itself: Large cohorts have a large gravitational pull.
Nitsuh Abebe: Why We Fight: Your Chemical Romance (Pitchfork)
Riff Market: Regarding Hipster Runoff's Animal Collective Post
Riff Market: Regarding Hipster Runoff's Animal Collective Post
"You can try to know, and own the fact that there are things you do not know, or you can be knowing, and hide your own ignorance with sideways shots of been-there done-that familiarity. You can understand that shit happens and try your best to keep things together and accomplish something against all odds — YOU CAN DANCE, as this album begins — or you can blow up the hospital just to show everyone that at any moment anywhere, a hospital can blow up for no fucking reason whatsoever."
Riff Market: Regarding Hipster Runoff's Animal Collective Post