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#Internet #government
CIVIC Platform
CIVIC Platform
CIVIC Platform is a technology environment that makes institutional data more accessible, enabling creative applications and analysis. We connect resources and a nationwide network of collaborators with complex information challenges in the public interest to build projects on CIVIC’s open technology frameworks. Our vision is for public data to be available as a vital resource for collaboration and group problem solving -- accessible programatically, in common formats, with excellent documentation, using secure and reliable technology. The technology is only part of the challenge. Custodians of this data in government, nonprofit, and academia face barriers of limited funding, access to talent, and unique compliance. We’re building the teams and systems to make it happen.
CIVIC Platform
De-risking custom technology projects: A handbook for state grantee budgeting and oversight
De-risking custom technology projects: A handbook for state grantee budgeting and oversight
By Robin Carnahan, Randy Hart, and Waldo Jaquith. Only 13% of large government software projects are successful.1 State IT projects, in particular, are often challenged because states lack basic knowledge about modern software development, relying on outdated procurement processes. Every year, the federal government matches billions of dollars in funding to state and local governments to maintain and modernize IT systems used to implement federal programs such as Medicaid, child welfare benefits, housing, and unemployment insurance. Efforts to modernize those legacy systems fail at an alarmingly high rate and at great cost to the federal budget. […] This handbook is designed for executives, budget specialists, legislators, and other "non-technical" decision-makers who fund or oversee state government technology projects that receive federal funding and implement the necessary technology to support federal programs. It can help you set these projects up for success by asking the right questions, identifying the right outcomes, and equally important, empowering you with a basic knowledge of the fundamental principles of modern software design.
De-risking custom technology projects: A handbook for state grantee budgeting and oversight
Cloak VPN Blog: Congress, ISPs, and You
Cloak VPN Blog: Congress, ISPs, and You
Historically, we haven’t advocated for using Cloak full-time at home. In general, we think that you should trust your home network; if you don’t, you probably have bigger fish to fry. Alas, if this resolution becomes law, there may be no alternative. We might genuinely start telling our customers “yes, you should use Cloak at home, all day, every day”. From our perspective, that day will be an unhappy day indeed.
Cloak VPN Blog: Congress, ISPs, and You
Tim O'Reilly: Before Solving a Problem, Make Sure You've Got the Right Problem
Tim O'Reilly: Before Solving a Problem, Make Sure You've Got the Right Problem
I was pleased to see the measured tone of the White House response to the citizen petition about SOPA and PIPA, and yet I found myself profoundly disturbed by something that seems to me to go to the root of the problem in Washington: the failure to correctly diagnose the problem we are trying to solve, but instead to accept, seemingly uncritically, the claims of various interest groups.
Tim O'Reilly: Before Solving a Problem, Make Sure You've Got the Right Problem
Sarah Lai Stirland: Expert Labs: Putting The 'Public' Into Public Policy Wasn't Easy (TechPresident)
Sarah Lai Stirland: Expert Labs: Putting The 'Public' Into Public Policy Wasn't Easy (TechPresident)
Two years and several reports later, we thought we’d try to look at how Expert Labs fared. The premise behind the project was that the federal government could and should engage in conversations with people on their existing social networks. The idea was to use existing commercial social networks to crowdsource policy decisions and to synthesize the responses in an intelligent manner.
Sarah Lai Stirland: Expert Labs: Putting The 'Public' Into Public Policy Wasn't Easy (TechPresident)
Coyote Tracks: The enemy of my enemy
Coyote Tracks: The enemy of my enemy
‘There are a lot of stories out there which are genuine examples of terrible government overreach and/or the evils of the current copyright system. Megaupload’s story is not one of them. “The enemy of my enemy is my friend” is not a universal truth—and sometimes it puts you in the company of pretty crappy friends.’
Coyote Tracks: The enemy of my enemy
Paul Carr: Costolo is Right: Wikipedia’s SOPA Blackout is a Terrible Idea (PandoDaily)
Paul Carr: Costolo is Right: Wikipedia’s SOPA Blackout is a Terrible Idea (PandoDaily)
‘The trouble with taking a political stance on one issue is that your silence on every issue becomes a stance. Human rights abuses in Libya? Not as important as SOPA. Roe v Wade? Not as important as SOPA. Everything else that’s happened in the world until now, and everything that will ever happen from this day forward? Not as important as SOPA. This Wednesday, with its quixotic yelp in support of the Internet community’s issue-du-jour, Wikipedia will do more damage to its independence than SOPA ever could.’
Paul Carr: Costolo is Right: Wikipedia’s SOPA Blackout is a Terrible Idea (PandoDaily)
Joshua Kopstein: Dear Congress, It's No Longer OK To Not Know How The Internet Works (Motherboard)
Joshua Kopstein: Dear Congress, It's No Longer OK To Not Know How The Internet Works (Motherboard)
‘So it was as proponents of the Hollywood-funded bill curmudgeonly shot down all but two amendments proposed by its opponents, who fought to dramatically alter the document to preserve security and free speech on the net. But the chilling takeaway of this whole debacle was the irrefutable air of anti-intellectualism; that inescapable absurdity that we have members of Congress voting on a technical bill who do not posses any technical knowledge on the subject and do not find it imperative to recognize those who do.’
Joshua Kopstein: Dear Congress, It's No Longer OK To Not Know How The Internet Works (Motherboard)
Expert Labs: The Democracy Gap
Expert Labs: The Democracy Gap
‘The Democracy Gap is a great chasm between this “hearing and deliberative” part of government (what people like to call “Washington”), and the rest of human civilization, and activists — left, right, and orthogonal are beginning to figure this out, and it’s beginning to really tick them off. People are using the internet to become increasingly more organized, but at the same time are becoming more and more disconnected from the mechanics of power inside Washington. Moreover, as the volume of voices grows louder, “Washington” becomes more disconnected — unable to hear the best solutions from the cacophony of noise.’
Expert Labs: The Democracy Gap