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#depression #climatecrisis
Sarah Miller: The world is going to hell. Here's how I'm coping as California burns around me. (Insider)
Sarah Miller: The world is going to hell. Here's how I'm coping as California burns around me. (Insider)
Despite what the library industrial complex tells us, reading is not the only avenue to the kind of self-surprise that gives you reasons to go on. You could learn how to make your own whisky and hand it out to your neighbors, or move to Washington like Jane Fonda, with the goal of getting arrested as much as possible. You could help stop traffic for the kids who are climate striking so the kids can concentrate on yelling, or go stand with workers at one of the many strikes taking place right now in many sectors of the economy, quite possibly near you.
Sarah Miller: The world is going to hell. Here's how I'm coping as California burns around me. (Insider)