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#hollywood #culture
Cris Shapan: Marlon Brando egg advert mystery solved: The strange story of Joe Flynn and his scrambled dream (Dangerous Minds)
Cris Shapan: Marlon Brando egg advert mystery solved: The strange story of Joe Flynn and his scrambled dream (Dangerous Minds)
A truly bizarre story of Marlon Brando, who loved eggs, and Joe Flynn, who was convinced that ‘personal eggs,’ or a spigot in your kitchen that dispensed cracked eggs, were the end to world hunger.
Cris Shapan: Marlon Brando egg advert mystery solved: The strange story of Joe Flynn and his scrambled dream (Dangerous Minds)
Armond White: The Sandler Memo (City Arts)
Armond White: The Sandler Memo (City Arts)
It’s scary how the Memo makes Sandler and Murphy whipping boys, simply to sustain true Hollywood vulgarity. It perpetuates the collapse of critical thinking. When Sandler-bashing (and I don’t just mean the ludicrous Razzies, ratified only by tabloid media) turns into excoriation, it is necessary to examine the media’s cowardice and prejudices. The Sandler Memo has reduced criticism to a profession of chain letters.
Armond White: The Sandler Memo (City Arts)