Cathy A. Fisher: "I Don't Get It": A Guide to Tim & Eric for Mem-Mems and Pep-Peps

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Megan Amram: Cable TV
‘Get ready for these great upcoming new shows on your favorite cable TV channels in 2011!’
‘Face Punch Beach House’
Infomercial Aesthetics
"Hi Joe! Hi Jane!"
YouTube: "Troop of One Hundred"
Oh, Japanese TV.
The Jerry Seinfeld Dictionary of Terms and Phrases
"Assman - 1) a Proctologist 2) a person who displays his/her name on vanity license plates."
iFilm: Jon Stewart Spins His Crossfire Appearance
"Comedy Central's self-described 'funny monkey' rehashes the dressing down he gave Crossfire's stubborn hosts." Transcripts: CROSSFIRE: Jon Stewart's America
"'You're part of their strategies. You are partisan hacks.'"
The New York Times: The Week That Wasn't
On why The Daily Show is successful and important: "'This is big because there is this gigantic imbalance and something has got to fill it. ... Young people get the attitude, the deflationary truth-telling attitude of these shows...'"