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#web #webdevelopment
Matt Legend Gemmell: SEO for Non-dicks
Matt Legend Gemmell: SEO for Non-dicks
‘I’m asked sometimes for advice on building an internet presence, and I usually have to fumble for an answer ± because I haven’t pursued any particular strategy beyond the glaringly obvious: create original, relevant content repeatedly.’
Matt Legend Gemmell: SEO for Non-dicks
“Tumblr2WP makes it super simple to transfer your Tumblr content to your own, self-hosted WordPress install. This tool will create a WXR (WordPress eXtended RSS) file from your tumblr site which can be imported into WordPress.”
Mark Pilgrim Working on Parsing Every Microformat
Mark Pilgrim Working on Parsing Every Microformat
"Imagine having your own private database of every person you've ever stumbled across online ... and every event ... and all the Creative Commons-licensed content you've ever read. Now imagine searching such a database. And subscribing to your search resu
Mark Pilgrim Working on Parsing Every Microformat