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#history #war #economy
Oliver Corlett: Iran: Wealth and Colonialism (Popula)
Oliver Corlett: Iran: Wealth and Colonialism (Popula)
An overview. If you were a 70 year old who had lived in Iran all your life, you would not be able to remember a time, except for a brief interlude in the early 1980s, when your country was neither (a) occupied by a foreign power, (b) ruled by the puppet of a foreign power, nor (c) prevented from free trade by the sanctions of a foreign power. That is what comes of being what the British imperialist Lord Curzon called in 1892—even before oil became a strategic issue—one of “the pieces on a chessboard upon which is being played out a game for the dominion of the world”. More than a century later, Iran (Persia as it was in Curzon’s day) is still a piece on the board.
Oliver Corlett: Iran: Wealth and Colonialism (Popula)