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#america #government #poverty
Greg Kaufmann: The Expert Testimony of Tianna Gaines-Turner (The Nation)
Greg Kaufmann: The Expert Testimony of Tianna Gaines-Turner (The Nation)
Gaines-Turner closes by saying that “millions of Americans just like me will work with you to help you with the answers to poverty that you seek.” “We invite you to come to Philadelphia to see where and how we live, to come to our grocery stores, childcare centers, and elder homes, and to visit with my neighbors. And then we can talk like equals, and join in the idea of putting poverty in the past, of investing in helping American people do and be their best. It’s the patriotic thing to do.”
Greg Kaufmann: The Expert Testimony of Tianna Gaines-Turner (The Nation)
Squashed: "Some people shouldn't own houses"
Squashed: "Some people shouldn't own houses"
‘The problem with the expansion of homeownership wasn’t that some people don’t have what it takes to be homeowners. They did. The problem was that traditional methods of discrimination were replaced by new forms of exploitation. Borrowers in certain neighborhoods were steered toward subprime loans. Appraisals were deliberately inflated. Loans with predatory terms were set up and designed to fail. None of that had to happen. And now, as that house of cards is collapsing, we’re losing decades of progress in integrating and stabilizing neighborhoods.’
Squashed: "Some people shouldn't own houses"
Squashed, Occupy, Inequality, Envy, and Class Warfare
Squashed, Occupy, Inequality, Envy, and Class Warfare
‘Nobody wants a recession. Nobody wants historically high poverty rates and unemployment rates. Curiously, it’s the Occupy Wall Street folks who are most passionate about making whatever changes are necessary to ensure the next recession doesn’t happen. The financial industry, on the other hand, is fighting any effort at common-sense regulation tooth and nail.’
Squashed, Occupy, Inequality, Envy, and Class Warfare