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#america #hiphop
Mychal Denzel Smith: Wu-Tang Clan’s “C.R.E.A.M.” Is Not the Capitalist Anthem You Think It Is (Pitchfork)
Mychal Denzel Smith: Wu-Tang Clan’s “C.R.E.A.M.” Is Not the Capitalist Anthem You Think It Is (Pitchfork)
Twenty-five years after its release, the iconic rap group’s biggest hit remains deeply misunderstood. --- If Deck’s life, at the ripe old age of 22, felt no different inside or outside of prison, Meth’s cries to “get the money” are utterly meaningless. They sound less like a rallying call and more like desperate pleas of escape shouted into a void. Chasing cash, by whatever means available, is the only option for survival, as it rules everything around us—but should it? Should a lack of money make one’s life indistinguishable from prison? These are questions that arise if we’re listening to the song as a whole, but pop success alters the way music is heard. As such, “C.R.E.A.M.” has been stripped for parts: The only aspects of real interest to a mass audience are the use of “cream” as slang for money and the repetition of the hook as an admonishment to work harder, longer, and more ruthlessly in the pursuit of it. The song has become a tool of the unscrupulous system it was meant to expose. By 2014, Drake and JAY-Z were interpolating the hook into their opulent collaboration “Pound Cake” without any semblance of the struggle Wu was rapping about, while Financial Times was using “Cash Rules Everything Around Me” as a headline for a story detailing a select few rappers’ immense wealth. At this point, there’s even a nerdy YouTube tutorial that borrows the acronym to extol the virtues of Google Instant Buy. In this way, “C.R.E.A.M.” has become something like the hip-hop equivalent of Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the U.S.A.” Right out the gate, Springsteen’s hit was being co-opted into a bland patriotism. After attending one of his concerts in 1984, the conservative columnist George Will wrote: “I have not got a clue about Springsteen’s politics, if any, but flags get waved at his concerts while he sings songs about hard times. He is no whiner, and the recitation of closed factories and other problems always seems punctuated by a grand, cheerful affirmation: ‘Born in the U.S.A.!’”
Mychal Denzel Smith: Wu-Tang Clan’s “C.R.E.A.M.” Is Not the Capitalist Anthem You Think It Is (Pitchfork) Defending Dyson's Georgetown Jay-Z Class Defending Dyson's Georgetown Jay-Z Class
‘Jay-Z’s lyrics would work just fine in a literature or poetry class (Decoded is basically his own Norton Critical Anthology of Jigga), but that's irrelevant to this discussion because, as nearly everyone who mocked the course seemed to ignore, Dyson is teaching a Sociology course! And Jay-Z's career is perfectly suited for the study of that discipline.’
·· Defending Dyson's Georgetown Jay-Z Class
Grantland: Hua Hsu on Kanye and Jay-Z's Watch the Throne
Grantland: Hua Hsu on Kanye and Jay-Z's Watch the Throne
“What makes hip-hop such a durable form is its capacity to scramble fiction and fact; the artifice and the realities that art conceals or amplifies become one. In this way, Watch the Throne feels astonishingly different. It captures two artists who no longer need dreams; art cannot possibly prophesy a better future for either of them.”
Grantland: Hua Hsu on Kanye and Jay-Z's Watch the Throne Listen Closely by B Michael Payne: Love the Music, Ignore the Message: How Critics Are Failing Odd Future Listen Closely by B Michael Payne: Love the Music, Ignore the Message: How Critics Are Failing Odd Future
"Overall, there seems to be a critical disconnect between the way the predominantly white, male critical establishment writes about violence and misogyny—especially as it’s primarily exhibited in hip-hop, i.e., music made predominantly by black artists. Critics such as these seem uncommonly drawn to violent, misogynistic music simply because it is shocking. This thrill of novelty seems to be nothing more than a fetishization of an alien culture."
·· Listen Closely by B Michael Payne: Love the Music, Ignore the Message: How Critics Are Failing Odd Future