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Tom McKay: 6 Actual Acts of Terrorism That Occurred While Everyone Was Panicking About Refugees (
Tom McKay: 6 Actual Acts of Terrorism That Occurred While Everyone Was Panicking About Refugees (
What's the real threat to the U.S.? Here's a partial sampling of all the horrible things that have gone down while anyone turning on the news could hear someone arguing that Syrian refugees pose the biggest existential threat to public safety the country faces today. 1. Mass shooting at Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado 2. Armed protesters intimidate mosque in Irving, Texas 3. Bomb hoax at Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center in Virginia 4. Five arrested in plot to bomb black churches and synagogues 5. Mosque shot at in Connecticut 6. Alleged white supremacists shoot five at Black Lives Matter rally in Minneapolis
Tom McKay: 6 Actual Acts of Terrorism That Occurred While Everyone Was Panicking About Refugees (