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#covid19 #mutualaid
Critical Resistance 2020 Virtual Prison Mail Correspondence Sign Up
Critical Resistance 2020 Virtual Prison Mail Correspondence Sign Up
Due to the need for social distancing to help slow the spread of COVID-19 Critical Resistance PDX is transitioning our prison correspondence program online. This requires new tools and techniques for both those participating in and those maintaining the program, so thank you in advance for your patience and collaboration in creating systems that work for our needs. We receive anywhere from 20-40 letters a month and we offer political education, resource information, and books and articles Folks can help out by writing letters to people in OR/WA prisons, typing notes or archiving correspondence, as well as other things that help our chapter running.
Critical Resistance 2020 Virtual Prison Mail Correspondence Sign Up
Fork Over
Fork Over
Connecting folks looking to fork over some funds to service industry workers currently impacted by COVID-19. All you need is Venmo.
Fork Over
Tricia Wang: You Can Learn Something From The People Of Wuhan (BuzzFeed News)
Tricia Wang: You Can Learn Something From The People Of Wuhan (BuzzFeed News)
Media has focused on the top-down, authoritarian response in Wuhan. But the way ordinary citizens handled the crisis should be replicated across the world. --- Federal and state responses to coronavirus are becoming more organized, but the magnitude of this crisis requires massively sustained bottom-up efforts too. This is why mutual-aid networks, caremongering, local delivery for at-risk populations, and neighborhood slack groups are being activated like wildfire across the US.
Tricia Wang: You Can Learn Something From The People Of Wuhan (BuzzFeed News)
The Service Relief Project
The Service Relief Project
Use these instructions to get up and running with helping your community! Kick off your city's relief efforts as we all learn to cope with COVID-19 with this starter powered by Gatsby, Airtable, and community efforts. This project is aims to make it as easy as possible to launch and manage an index of resources in your city during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Service Relief Project