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Jeremy Larson: Wolf Parade — I'll Believe in Anything
Jeremy Larson: Wolf Parade — I'll Believe in Anything
What is an emotional man (I know, even writing that feels hideous) that isn’t consigned to the lower echelon of masculinity such as the “weepy horny beard guy” or the too-eager hyperactive type. How does one fight the stigma of being emotional without succumbing to the very stigma itself. How does one live righteously while suppressing a majority of feelings every day. I’m not sure. I buckle under a wave of stoicism exerted by a history of fathers every day.
Jeremy Larson: Wolf Parade — I'll Believe in Anything
Jeremy Larson: Got Me in My Feelings: Why Drake Isn't as Emotional as You Think (Pitchfork)
Jeremy Larson: Got Me in My Feelings: Why Drake Isn't as Emotional as You Think (Pitchfork)
Love is a dog from hell, as it's said, and real emotion is ugly and uncomfortable, and it’s why some people giggle when they see a man keening or screaming or crying -- but Drake knows that all this has to be tempered and digestible to be disseminated and reach as many people as possible.
Jeremy Larson: Got Me in My Feelings: Why Drake Isn't as Emotional as You Think (Pitchfork)
Katherine Flynn: Reclaiming a Bright Eyes song after a bad breakup (Consequence of Sound)
Katherine Flynn: Reclaiming a Bright Eyes song after a bad breakup (Consequence of Sound)
The problem was, I saw a little too much of myself in these intensely serious, deeply focused young troubadours with their eyes cast downward and their faces bathed in the murky light from their bedroom windows. The revelation was a slow one, but once I saw the pages upon pages of videos of guitar-clutching Oberst disciples, the message was loud and clear: much like these high school-aged shut-ins, you need to lighten up a little. Sidewalks and pigeons and being your own best friend? Moonlight? Having a conversation with your own goddamned window reflection? It was all starting to seem a little overwrought, a little too drenched in false significance and melancholy. I didn’t want to share my personal meaning for the song with hundreds of other sad people, but it looked like I didn’t have much choice in the matter.
Katherine Flynn: Reclaiming a Bright Eyes song after a bad breakup (Consequence of Sound)
Mike Barthel: Sleigh Bells' Positive Rock (The Atlantic)
Mike Barthel: Sleigh Bells' Positive Rock (The Atlantic)
‘Sleigh Bells' music has always been about overwhelming your senses, making things so loud and so blurred that you don't know where one thing stops and another ends, how fast the day is passing. Slow things run at double-time, fast things run at half-time; the world runs backwards, slows down, speeds up.’
Mike Barthel: Sleigh Bells' Positive Rock (The Atlantic)
Teenage Art: On Sad Blog Posts
Teenage Art: On Sad Blog Posts
On the inadequacy of social media for dealing with actual human emotions. “If you are … feeling sad, turn off the social media, call up another human being and let them take you out. Your sad emotions have value. Make sure you aren’t throwing them away in a market that can’t recognize it.”
Teenage Art: On Sad Blog Posts
Distance Lab: Projects: Mutsugoto
Distance Lab: Projects: Mutsugoto
This is beautiful. "Mutsugoto is an intimate communication device intended for a bedroom environment. Mutsugoto allows distant partners to communicate through the language of touch as expressed on the canvas of the human body. A custom computer vision and projection system allows users to draw on each other's bodies while lying in bed. Drawings are transmitted 'live' between the two beds, enabling a different kind of synchronous communication that leverages the emotional quality of physical gesture." Thanks for the link, Ara.
Distance Lab: Projects: Mutsugoto