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#gender #music
Robin James: Toned down for what? How 'chill' turned toxic
Robin James: Toned down for what? How 'chill' turned toxic
Like its ancestor cool, chill does double duty as a prestige marker. On the one hand, in the post-#MeToo era, chill masculinity seems infinitely preferable to so-called “toxic masculinity”, which is predatory and self-destructive. But even though Sheeran’s tame romanticism may feel less toxic than the slightly skeevy masculinity of bro-step, chill is less a step towards equality and more an update on gender and race stereotypes.
Robin James: Toned down for what? How 'chill' turned toxic
Mark Richardson: Resonant Frequency: You Masculine You (Pitchfork)
Mark Richardson: Resonant Frequency: You Masculine You (Pitchfork)
On Bill Callahan and Grimes. Letting the hero die might mean opening yourself to new experiences. Finding more to identify with. Noticing the commonalities that point to the one, along with the differences point to the many, and identifying with songs from the inside and outside at the same time.
Mark Richardson: Resonant Frequency: You Masculine You (Pitchfork)
Julianne Escobedo Shepherd: Deconstructing: Grimes (Stereogum)
Julianne Escobedo Shepherd: Deconstructing: Grimes (Stereogum)
On one hand, it’s great that she’s this new hot blog thing, because she is a woman who creates her own beats in a space that historically is not that friendly to non-males. On the other hand, her elevation been a case study in the values people consign to the music they love — in this case, thin representations of ideas, that people have praised her for her “naive” and “elf-like” qualities, as though by filtering her voice into wispiness to the point that she’s almost a specter (as she does), she becomes more admirable, a negation of herself.
Julianne Escobedo Shepherd: Deconstructing: Grimes (Stereogum)
Maura Johnston: How Not to Write About Female Musicians: A Handy Guide (Village Voice)
Maura Johnston: How Not to Write About Female Musicians: A Handy Guide (Village Voice)
‘1. Go through your piece and flip the gender of your descriptive phrases' subjects. Are there any that sound ludicrous as a result? 2. Are you essentially making shit up about the artist in order to sexualize her? 3. Are you comparing the artist you're writing about to other female artists only? If so, why? 4. Are you writing about a moment where your subject flirts with you and you respond in kind?’
Maura Johnston: How Not to Write About Female Musicians: A Handy Guide (Village Voice)
Amy Rebecca Klein: The Last Thing I'll Ever Write About Lana Del Rey
Amy Rebecca Klein: The Last Thing I'll Ever Write About Lana Del Rey
‘Exploring “what a woman should be” is boring and cliche in the 21st century, and perhaps that is why Lana Del Rey seems to many to be so bored and sad on stage. So let’s take Lana Del Rey for what she is—a pop star playing a role, a woman whose real life we know nothing about—and learn from what she’s taught us about our own insufferable addiction to a vapid version of femininity. In the future, I’m hoping we’ll accept more female artists who are interested in mining the depths of who they really are.’
Amy Rebecca Klein: The Last Thing I'll Ever Write About Lana Del Rey
Village Voice: Music: Tyler, the Creator’s Boy’s Club
Village Voice: Music: Tyler, the Creator’s Boy’s Club
“The highest points and most infuriating moments on ‘Goblin’ come from the fact that it’s a vérité depiction of the worst aspects of American boy culture. You know, hating girls because they don’t like you because you’re a weirdo, hating any and all authority figures because they try to tell you how not to be such a weirdo. But most importantly (and scarily), there’s the part that involves lashing out about being viewed as a weirdo, and being summarily rewarded—i.e. seen as normal—for doing so. (It probably goes without saying that girls don’t have the same luxury.) Nobody cares about Tyler the Creator being someone’s role model in 2011. Which in a way, is the scariest thing about ‘Goblin’—too much of his scary fantasizing, for too many boys, is all too normal.”
Village Voice: Music: Tyler, the Creator’s Boy’s Club