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#government #election #america
Andrew Cohen: No One in America Should Have to Wait 7 Hours to Vote (The Atlantic)
Andrew Cohen: No One in America Should Have to Wait 7 Hours to Vote (The Atlantic)
There is no hidden agenda here. The strategy and tactics are as far out in the open as those voters standing in line for hours waiting for their turn to vote. This transparency—of motive and of evidence—is also what distinguishes the complaints that Democrats have about Republican tricks on voting from Republican complaints about Democratic tricks on voting. Widespread "in-person" voter fraud or voting by illegal immigrants exists mostly in the minds of conspiracy theorists. Yet proof of voter suppression is visible to all of us with the naked eye. All we have to do is look. There is no political equivalence here—only more lamentable false equivalence.
Andrew Cohen: No One in America Should Have to Wait 7 Hours to Vote (The Atlantic)
Glenn Greenwald: Obama and progressives: what will liberals do with their big election victory? (The Guardian)
Glenn Greenwald: Obama and progressives: what will liberals do with their big election victory? (The Guardian)
With last night's results, one can choose to see things two ways: (1) emboldened by their success and the obvious movement of the electorate in their direction, liberals will resolve that this time things will be different, that their willingness to be Good Partisan Soldiers depends upon their core values not being ignored and stomped on, or (2) inebriated with love and gratitude for Obama for having vanquished the evil Republican villains, they will follow their beloved superhero wherever he goes with even more loyalty than before. One does not need to be Nate Silver to be able to use the available historical data to see which of those two courses is the far more likely one.
Glenn Greenwald: Obama and progressives: what will liberals do with their big election victory? (The Guardian)
Doug Henwood: Why Obama lost the debate
Doug Henwood: Why Obama lost the debate
I don’t agree with this completely, but it’s a solid argument. More broadly, the political problem of the Democrats is that they’re a party of capital that has to pretend for electoral reasons sometimes that it’s not. All the complaints that liberals have about them—their weakness, tendency to compromise, the constantly lamented lack of a spine—emerge from this central contradiction. The Republicans have a coherent philosophy and use it to fire up a rabid base. The Dems are afraid of their base because it might cause them trouble with their funders. Romney believes in money. Obama believes in nothing. Most liberals want to write off Obama’s bad performance as a bad night. It’s not just that. It’s a structural problem.
Doug Henwood: Why Obama lost the debate