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#health #drugs
Maia Szalavitz: There’s Been a Secret Safe Injection Site in the US for Three Years (Vice)
Maia Szalavitz: There’s Been a Secret Safe Injection Site in the US for Three Years (Vice)
Why do sites that apparently condone drug injection actually encourage recovery? The paradox dissolves if you understand the real drivers of unsafe drug use and addiction: stigma, criminalization, mental illness, despair, and trauma. When people with addiction are provided with a safe, caring, and nonjudgmental atmosphere, they can slow down and engage in practices that allow safer injection, they have better access to clean equipment, and basically, time to think.
Maia Szalavitz: There’s Been a Secret Safe Injection Site in the US for Three Years (Vice)
Shuja Haider: The Ambien Diaries (Popula)
Shuja Haider: The Ambien Diaries (Popula)
A medical study says that only 5 percent of Ambien users are fortunate enough to experience what it calls “zolpidem-induced somnambulism and amnesic sleep-related behavioral problems.” Given the proliferation of anecdotal evidence about Ambien’s psychotropic effects, that number is surprisingly small. It’s still unclear what yields results showing such a strange experience for a minority and no experience for everyone else. Do you have to be a neurotic to enjoy Ambien? Or are most people just too desperate to get to sleep to see what happens next? I have no idea, and neither, I think, does medical science.
Shuja Haider: The Ambien Diaries (Popula)