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How Nintendo Switch Charging Works
How Nintendo Switch Charging Works
Trying to figure out what I can charge my Switch with and this answered it. Any USB-C charger should allow any model Switch to charge and play at the same time. A USB-A charger will have mixed results. If forced to use one plug it into the Switch while the battery is still at 100% for best results. Given an ideal charger, all models of the Switch will charge from 0-100% in 3-3.5 hours. The larger models actually charge faster while playing than while sleeping. [...] There is no problem charging the Switch while you play. But when not in use, best to let it sleep while it recharges. The Switch dock has specific requirements. When not using the Switch AC adapter, you’ll need a 45W or 60W USB-C PD charger. Otherwise the dock won’t function, or even charge the Switch.
How Nintendo Switch Charging Works
Darius Kazemi: How to be a library archive tourist
Darius Kazemi: How to be a library archive tourist
When I'm traveling and am at a loss for how to spend my time, I look up as many libraries I can in the area I'll be traveling to, and I check to see if they have special collections. Then I make an appointment with the library to visit those special collections, and usually it means I get to spend a day in a quiet, climate-controlled room with cool old documents. It's like a museum but with no people, and where you have to do all the work, which is honestly my idea of a perfect vacation.
Darius Kazemi: How to be a library archive tourist
subversion: Subversion FAQ
subversion: Subversion FAQ
Next time I forget why Subversion can't ignore a file under Subversion, check this. The answer is to not check that file in at all, but to check in a template that should be copied.
subversion: Subversion FAQ
Fake model photography
Fake model photography
In the darkroom, you can tilt the photo paper onto which film is projected to get a focal scheme that makes the picture's subject look like a miniature model. Here's how to do it in Photoshop!
Fake model photography