Japander.com"a western star who uses his or her fame to make large sums of money in a short time by advertising products in Japan that they would probably never use"#japan#humor#advertising·japander.com·Mar 13, 2006Japander.com
Utah State Fair Advertisements by Napoleon Dynamite"Do you see any freakin' sasquatches around here?"#advertising#humor#video·thechurning.com·Sep 29, 2005Utah State Fair Advertisements by Napoleon Dynamite
Rexona Deoderant Spray: Stunt City#video#humor#advertising·beam.tv·May 25, 2005Rexona Deoderant Spray: Stunt City
Instructoart by Matthew VescovoInformative and creative pieces of art: commercials and more.#animation#humor#advertising·instructoart.com·Jan 31, 2005Instructoart by Matthew Vescovo