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Vanessa Marin: How to Actually Follow Through on the Relationship Advice You Get (NYT)
Vanessa Marin: How to Actually Follow Through on the Relationship Advice You Get (NYT)
Not feeling particularly motivated to take action? In his book, Mr. Manson argues that we have motivation all wrong. Most people look to feel motivated before taking action. We bemoan our lack of desire, claiming that without that desire, we can’t do anything. Instead, Mr. Manson advocates his “do something” principle: take some sort of action first. You’ll feel good for having done so and will feel inspired to take even more action. In this way, we create our own motivation, instead of relying on it to strike us. In case you still feel stuck or lazy, Mr. Manson added: “I would actually say it’s impossible to NOT work on your relationship. Your inaction is itself a form of action that affects the relationship. Every relationship is always either getting stronger or weaker, and to do nothing contributes to the weakening of the relationship.”
Vanessa Marin: How to Actually Follow Through on the Relationship Advice You Get (NYT)
Julieanne Smolinski: Human Parts
Julieanne Smolinski: Human Parts
I am both compelled by the idea of companionship and repulsed by the idea of not being able to just be completely and totally inert and do whatever the hell I want while sliding pickle spears into my face like a cartoon sawmill.
Julieanne Smolinski: Human Parts