Saved (Public Feed)

Saved (Public Feed)

Maria Bustillos: Is Philanthropy Good? (Popula)
Maria Bustillos: Is Philanthropy Good? (Popula)
It doesn’t take much imagination to see that the blurring of the lines between nonprofit and for-profit activities is bound to create a blurring, also, of the traditional aims of philanthropy — namely, to provide disinterested help to the disadvantaged, as opposed to furthering the donor’s business or political goals. […] In other words, what‘s needed most of all is a recognition that philanthropy must do more than provide charity, as Oscar Wilde suggested in 1891. Foundations still need to supply the desperately needed overcoat, as Wilde did, and do whatever they can to address the immediate needs of people in distress. But the real task is to come to grips with the reasons why so many people are left out in the cold in the first place.
Maria Bustillos: Is Philanthropy Good? (Popula)
Tarence Ray: A Way Out (Popula)
Tarence Ray: A Way Out (Popula)
Holy shit this is a great, tough piece. Why do nonprofits exist? The generous answer is that society is imperfect: people have needs that the government cannot meet (and that corporations refuse to meet). But the cynical answer is that there’s money to be made in nonprofits. Not for the people actually working at them, of course; they make very little. But for their extremely wealthy patrons, the rich people who want to protect their capital from being taxed and expropriated by the government, nonprofits are not only lucrative—they’re an effective way to provide legitimacy to the ruling class. [...] Meeting the needs of millionaires is not easy. When their needs are vague and undefined—or poorly thought through and unsuited to the needs of local communities—it requires labor and stress (and ulcers) to keep them satisfied. It also requires a great deal of exploitation: the people working the hardest at nonprofits often make the least. People will work themselves to literal sickness chasing vague grant imperatives and using their dedication to The Work as a justification for their physical and mental burnout. The treatment of workers in the nonprofit industry is perhaps its most disturbing feature, and it often goes unnoticed by larger society. There is a confusion, a frustration, that arises when you don’t see society changing at the scale or speed with which you’d like it to, especially when that “change”—however vaguely defined—is your literal job. But as long as nonprofits exist, it will be this way. This is because nonprofits exist to manage the contradictions of capitalism. When you find yourself unable to do that—or unable to deal with everyone around you blindly accepting that the contradictions can only be managed, rather than changed—you simply lose your mind, or the lining of your stomach. In the absence of concrete results—and in my experience, the absence of concrete results begins to look more like the norm than the exception—you start to see the concrete function of the nonprofit sector differently. For all the good intentions it’s paved with, philanthropy is an illusion, a mirage. And it tricks you into accepting (or even embracing) the underlying fact of philanthropic giving: that rich people have a lot of surplus capital, from exploiting and immiserating thousands of lives, and they need somewhere to put it. It doesn’t matter if the millionaire is a Koch brother or an eco-friendly crusader. Vast profits, often the direct spoils of exploitation—the rightfully earned wages denied to workers, or the profits made from poisoning people’s water—are plowed right back into a system that, by design, can never alter the balance of power.
Tarence Ray: A Way Out (Popula)
Peter Buffett: The Charitable-Industrial Complex (
Peter Buffett: The Charitable-Industrial Complex (
Money should be spent trying out concepts that shatter current structures and systems that have turned much of the world into one vast market. Is progress really Wi-Fi on every street corner? No. It’s when no 13-year-old girl on the planet gets sold for sex. But as long as most folks are patting themselves on the back for charitable acts, we’ve got a perpetual poverty machine.
Peter Buffett: The Charitable-Industrial Complex (
Kanu Hawaii
Kanu Hawaii
‘Sustainable, Compassionate, Resilient Communities’ “Kanu Hawaii is a tax-exempt, nonprofit corporation that is overseen by a volunteer board of directors and administered by a small staff. In 2005, the founders of Kanu Hawaii asked each other three questions: 1. What do we love about Hawaii? Our connection to place, the strength of our communities, our diverse traditions, our island values. 2. What concerns us about the future? Shrinking opportunities, environmental degradation, the loss of communities, inequality, apathy, greed, intolerance… in Hawaii and throughout the world. 3. What can we do about it? This question had no easy answer. How do you build a movement when so many of us feel powerless in the face of huge problems? How do you demand change without compromising our island values?”
Kanu Hawaii