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Amanda Marcotte: Pussy Riot: Found guilty in what looks like a 21st century witch hunt. (Slate)
Amanda Marcotte: Pussy Riot: Found guilty in what looks like a 21st century witch hunt. (Slate)
This entire debacle should be a reminder to the world why a secular society isn't just a lark or some unbearable burden on religious people who want to nose around in their employees' sex lives. A subset of religious people will always claim that their faith requires them to silence dissent and impose their values on others through government force, but we cannot be afraid to stand up to them, no matter how loudly they squall about having their feelings hurt. The Pussy Riot travesty is the logical end result of giving special legal consideration and privileges to religion.
Amanda Marcotte: Pussy Riot: Found guilty in what looks like a 21st century witch hunt. (Slate)