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Saved (Public Feed)

Anil Dash: Readability, Instapaper, the Network and the Price we Pay
Anil Dash: Readability, Instapaper, the Network and the Price we Pay
Readability and Instapaper are two awesome reading tools that actually aren't in competition since Readability is mostly a network and Instapaper is mostly an app. But, foolish fanboy enthusiasm on both sides has got people choosing "sides" between the apps and turning legitimate feature debates into some sort of moral judgment of the people building the tools. Based on what I learned during a similar stage in the evolution of the blogging market, I fear these petty squabbles will hurt both tools and leave the market open only to the biggest, best-funded, most soulless competitors and that both these cool, innovative tools will lose.
Anil Dash: Readability, Instapaper, the Network and the Price we Pay
Ben Brooks: Readability and Collection of Money for Others
Ben Brooks: Readability and Collection of Money for Others
Readability has no right collecting money in my name without my consent. Now, realistically, I have given Readability consent by signing up — but what about other publishers that have not only not signed up, but have actively chosen to not sign up? Is it still OK for Readability to be collecting money in their name? I think not. But how do you solve this problem? I don’t know, but it is a very real problem.
Ben Brooks: Readability and Collection of Money for Others