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#self #comedy #music
Lori Dorn: The Steve Miller Band Song 'The Joker' Remixed to Put the Iconic 'Wolf Whistle' in the Song After Every Line (Laughing Squid)
Lori Dorn: The Steve Miller Band Song 'The Joker' Remixed to Put the Iconic 'Wolf Whistle' in the Song After Every Line (Laughing Squid)
Web developer Matthew McVickar has quite amusingly remixed the classic Steve Miller Band song “The Joker” so that the iconic “wolf whistle” that takes place after the line “Some people call me Maurice” occurs after every line in the song itself. This little edit appears to make the song a bit more provocative than it already is.
Lori Dorn: The Steve Miller Band Song 'The Joker' Remixed to Put the Iconic 'Wolf Whistle' in the Song After Every Line (Laughing Squid)