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fuzzy notepad: Shut Up, Paul Graham: The Simplified Version
fuzzy notepad: Shut Up, Paul Graham: The Simplified Version
This is tautological, unless you have a definition of “success” other than “be worth a lot of money”. Which raises the question of whether that should be the measure of success. A great many creators are scraping by on merch sales and now Patreon, devoting themselves to making the things they love full-time. If they do it consistently and garner an audience who loves their work, is that not success? You might even call them small businesses… and yet, they don’t have stock worth a lot of money. But the investment model doesn’t leave any room for that kind of success, because the primary thing investors want is to get richer. You provide an incredibly useful service that everyone uses and loves? Great. How much money does it make? How much money do I make? Did you try putting ads on it?
fuzzy notepad: Shut Up, Paul Graham: The Simplified Version
Michael Barthel: Why "Disruption" is an Ugly and Dishonest Buzzword (Bullett)
Michael Barthel: Why "Disruption" is an Ugly and Dishonest Buzzword (Bullett)
The effect is to enforce a historical blindness that’s entirely too common when we’re thinking about tech. If what we’re seeing now is totally new, there are no historical analogies to apply, no worker protections or regulations from the past that we might want to preserve — it’s all new, after all! And, therefore, all good.
Michael Barthel: Why "Disruption" is an Ugly and Dishonest Buzzword (Bullett)
Jake Lodwick: An acquisition is always a failure (Pandodaily)
Jake Lodwick: An acquisition is always a failure (Pandodaily)
An acquisition, or an aqui-hire, is always a failure. Either the founders failed to achieve their goal, or – far likelier – they failed to dream big enough. The proper ambition for a tech entrepreneur should be to join the ranks of the great tech companies, or, at least, to create a profitable, independent company beloved by employees, customers, and shareholders.
Jake Lodwick: An acquisition is always a failure (Pandodaily)
Shanley Kane: What Your Culture Really Says (Pretty Little State Machine)
Shanley Kane: What Your Culture Really Says (Pretty Little State Machine)
The monied, celebrated, nuevo-social, 1% poster children of startup life spread the mythology of their cushy jobs, 20% time, and self-empowerment as a thinly-veiled recruiting tactic in the war for talent against internet giants. The materialistic, viral nature of these campaigns have redefined how we think about culture, replacing meaningful critique with symbols of privilege. The word “culture” has become a signifier of superficial company assets rather than an ongoing practice of examination and self-reflection.
Shanley Kane: What Your Culture Really Says (Pretty Little State Machine)
Derek Powazek: I’m Not The Product, But I Play One On The Internet
Derek Powazek: I’m Not The Product, But I Play One On The Internet
We can and should support the companies we love with our money. Companies can and should have balanced streams of income so that they’re not solely dependent on just one. We all should consider the business models of the companies we trust with our data. But we should not assume that, just because we pay a company they’ll treat us better, or that if we’re not paying that the company is allowed to treat us like shit. Reality is just more complicated than that. What matters is how companies demonstrate their respect for their customers. We should hold their feet to the fire when they demonstrate a lack of respect.
Derek Powazek: I’m Not The Product, But I Play One On The Internet
Jordan Sargent: Your Guide to, the Controversial Rap Lyrics Site That Just Landed a $15 Million Investment (Gawker)
Jordan Sargent: Your Guide to, the Controversial Rap Lyrics Site That Just Landed a $15 Million Investment (Gawker)
Well, some snotty kids got $15 million. At least the people who founded the culture that made them rich are also living on the high hog, right? Not quite. A lot of the originators of rap music — many of whose lyrics provide part of the content that RapGenius' business model is based on — are far from rich. Kool Herc, who maybe more than any one person can be said to have invented hip-hop, can't afford required surgery, and when these kids are parading around in suits and fresh kicks it leaves a bad taste in a lot peoples' mouths.
Jordan Sargent: Your Guide to, the Controversial Rap Lyrics Site That Just Landed a $15 Million Investment (Gawker)
37signals: Advice from Coudal on how to transition from client work to products
37signals: Advice from Coudal on how to transition from client work to products
“Two quick points. Not every idea is going to work. Know that going in. Ideas tend to follow the path of least resistance and more often than not that path is the one where you find yourself talking an idea to death, by getting hung up on the ‘what ifs.’ So you need to actively push ideas out and embrace failure. Fail spectacularly whenever possible. “Secondly, every single person I have ever met or corresponded with about leaving the work-for-hire world and trying to create something of their own, something that they really care about, says exactly the same thing. Win, lose or draw they always express the same thought and most of the time they say it in exactly these words. “What they say is, ‘I should have done this sooner.’”
37signals: Advice from Coudal on how to transition from client work to products
Bryan Boyer: etc: Please In My Back Yard
Bryan Boyer: etc: Please In My Back Yard
“Using a database of vacant real estate in a given city and a platform for collecting propositions or pitches, we allow entrepreneurs a marketplace of ideas that is able to match their own predilections and interests with ‘please in my back yard’ [rather than NIMBY] demand. Individuals vote on the future land use and spatial assets that they want to see in their own city and their own backyard. If that voting is done with the wallet, similar to Kickstarter, would it be enough to usefully bootstrap entrepreneurs?”
Bryan Boyer: etc: Please In My Back Yard In Groupon’s $6 Billion Wake, a Wave of Start-Ups Follows Suit In Groupon’s $6 Billion Wake, a Wave of Start-Ups Follows Suit
Copying a successful business plan is safe, and tons of companies are copying Groupon. The differentiating strategies of the more successful copycats are interesting, as is the arms-race and recursion of deal aggregators. I find it fascinating that people sign up for this stuff, because I find it wasteful. This is insane: “In just over two years, Groupon has accumulated 60 million subscribers, more than $1 billion in venture capital and $760 million in annual revenue to become the fastest-growing Web company ever. In December, it declined a $6 billion buyout offer from Google.”
·· In Groupon’s $6 Billion Wake, a Wave of Start-Ups Follows Suit