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#writing #business #music
Eric Harvey: Paper Trail: ‘MP3: The Meaning of a Format’ (Pitchfork)
Eric Harvey: Paper Trail: ‘MP3: The Meaning of a Format’ (Pitchfork)
In his new book, Mp3: The Meaning of a Format, McGill University professor Jonathan Sterne exhaustively and eloquently traces the history of the mp3 from the initial hearing model developed in Bell Labs to the current debates about piracy. As the author argues, each time we rip a CD to our hard drives, we're not only saving space in our living rooms or ensuring we have the appropriate gym soundtrack, but also reaffirming a fundamental idea about the limits of human perception.
Eric Harvey: Paper Trail: ‘MP3: The Meaning of a Format’ (Pitchfork)
Eric Harvey: Worn Copies: Beach House, VW, and What It Means to Sell a Feeling (Pitchfork)
Eric Harvey: Worn Copies: Beach House, VW, and What It Means to Sell a Feeling (Pitchfork)
"Much of the power of Beach House's music lies in the way it forgoes simple, this-means-this storytelling in favor of communicating indescribable emotions," wrote Lindsay Zoladz in her Pitchfork review of their latest album, Bloom. Switch a few words around, and this perfect evocation could have emanated from DDB's pitch meeting to Volkswagen. Which is not to belittle Zoladz's criticism, nor to build up ad-speak as any more than means-to-an-end capitalist labor. Instead, this connection highlights the idea that critics and marketers often seek the same positive criteria in art.
Eric Harvey: Worn Copies: Beach House, VW, and What It Means to Sell a Feeling (Pitchfork)