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Ralf Herrmann: The Pronunciation of European Typefaces
Ralf Herrmann: The Pronunciation of European Typefaces
So you’re an expert in typography? But do you pronounce Frutiger’s typeface Univers like the English word “universe”? Then you got it wrong. Here are some popular European typefaces and their proper pronunciation in German, French and Italian.
Ralf Herrmann: The Pronunciation of European Typefaces
Jeremy Larson: When Should We Moralize About Music? (Consequence of Sound)
Jeremy Larson: When Should We Moralize About Music? (Consequence of Sound)
But when we are talking about a marginalized group that isn’t even offered the same legal rights as the rest of the population in America and is still discriminated against in psychologically and physically horrible ways worldwide, there’s me who will absolutely moralize against the use of the word “faggot” the way Tyler, the Creator uses it. That’s when.
Jeremy Larson: When Should We Moralize About Music? (Consequence of Sound)
This website is designed as a social mirror to show the prevalence of casual homophobia in our society. Words and phrases like “faggot,” “dyke,” “no homo,” and “so gay” are used casually in everyday language, despite promoting the continued alienation, isolation and — in some tragic cases — suicide of sexual and gender minority (LGBTQ) youth.
Eric Harvey: ‘Trolls’ (marathonpacks)
Eric Harvey: ‘Trolls’ (marathonpacks)
Commenting on Tom Ewing’s comment about how the word ‘troll’ has come to be applied to non-trolls. Once a word is upstreamed into popular stream of discourse, everyone with a bone to pick wants to grab it off its hook on the wall and see what it can do for them.
Eric Harvey: ‘Trolls’ (marathonpacks)
The Boston Globe: Watch and learn
The Boston Globe: Watch and learn
How native-language subtitled music videos dramatically increased literacy in rural India. And there's a local professor here promoting the same SLS ('Same-language Subtitles') idea. Would be nice to talk to him.
The Boston Globe: Watch and learn
Sophiologist: Pres. Obama on Republicans in yesterday’s Labor Day speech in Milwaukee, 9/6/10
Sophiologist: Pres. Obama on Republicans in yesterday’s Labor Day speech in Milwaukee, 9/6/10
"These are the folks whose policies helped devastate our middle class. They drove our economy into a ditch. And we got in there and put on our boots and we pushed and we shoved and we were sweating and these guys were standing, watching us, sipping on a Slurpee."
Sophiologist: Pres. Obama on Republicans in yesterday’s Labor Day speech in Milwaukee, 9/6/10
Slate: "The rise of no homo and the changing face of hip-hop homophobia" by Jonah Weiner
Slate: "The rise of no homo and the changing face of hip-hop homophobia" by Jonah Weiner
"When these rappers say 'no homo,' it can seem a bit like a gentleman's agreement, nodding to the status quo while smuggling in a fuller, less hamstrung notion of masculinity. This is still a concession to homophobia, but one that enables a less rigid definition of the hip-hop self than we've seen before. It's far from a coup, but, in a way, it's progress."
Slate: "The rise of no homo and the changing face of hip-hop homophobia" by Jonah Weiner
The Phrontistery: Word List: Adjectives of Relation
The Phrontistery: Word List: Adjectives of Relation
"There are many terms which refer to a state of relating to or pertaining to a certain thing or category of things. Instead of using a phrase such as 'pertaining to buttercups', you can substitute the adjective 'ranunculaceous'. Using the admittedly invented phrase 'adjectives of relation', I have compiled 842 such terms."
The Phrontistery: Word List: Adjectives of Relation
Wikipedia : Hobo
Wikipedia : Hobo
A hobo is a migrant worker in the United States. Hoboes, tramps and bums are generally regarded as related, but distinct: a hobo travels and is willing to work; a tramp travels, but avoids work if possible; and a bum neither travels nor works.
Wikipedia : Hobo
Spaced repetition! "Designed to help you remember facts (such as words and phrases in a foreign language) as easily, quickly and efficiently as possible. To do this, it tracks how well you remember each fact, and uses that info to schedule review times.