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DISCOVER: Quantum Honeybees
DISCOVER: Quantum Honeybees
Bees project a six-degree "flag" manifold (found also in the mathematics of quarks) in two dimensions to describe where and how to find the food, describing landmarks based on electromagnetic fields and the polarization levels of sunlight.
DISCOVER: Quantum Honeybees
Summer Moon Illusion
Summer Moon Illusion
"The lowest-hanging full moon in 18 years" will appear enormous in the sky this week.
Summer Moon Illusion
Moss Graffiti
Moss Graffiti
"This simple yet effective concoction is an old favourite of gardeners trying to encourage moss growth and provides an excellent alternative to spray paint."
Moss Graffiti
Gizmodo: Keychain Plants
Gizmodo: Keychain Plants
"Each one sells for around $10 and features real, live plants that grow in a tiny arboretum until they become too large to be contained, after which they can be transplanted to a larger pot."
Gizmodo: Keychain Plants