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Dylan Tweney: Why Instagram is worth $1 billion, and your startup isn’t (VentureBeat)
Dylan Tweney: Why Instagram is worth $1 billion, and your startup isn’t (VentureBeat)
Instagram succeeded for many good reasons, including its design, its viral qualities, its simplicity, and the fact that its engineers focused so obsessively on making sure that it works all the time. Part of its success, no doubt, is the fact that it was just in the right place, at the right time, with the right, crowd-pleasing mix of features.
Dylan Tweney: Why Instagram is worth $1 billion, and your startup isn’t (VentureBeat)
All this: Location, location, location
All this: Location, location, location
‘The script is called coordinate, and it works like this: While I’m taking a bunch of photos at a spot with the G10, I take a single photo with the iPhone. When I have all the images transferred to my computer I run `coordinate -g iphone.jpg IMG*` and the GPS data is read from the iPhone image (iphone.jpg) and copied to all the files from the G10 (IMG*). Boom.’
All this: Location, location, location
Neatorama: Behind the Scenes of the USPS
Neatorama: Behind the Scenes of the USPS
“I love the idea of this project by web designer Matthew McVickar. He sent this camera in the mail with a message asking the postal workers to take pictures on the camera’s trip to its destination. The result is fun and educational, and it would be a great school project for any teachers out there.”
Neatorama: Behind the Scenes of the USPS Smile, you’re on camera mail! A camera’s journey across America Smile, you’re on camera mail! A camera’s journey across America
I was interviewed by Debra Black at the Toronto Star this morning. “For Matthew McVickar the idea of sending a disposable camera attached to a piece of cardboard was intriguing. What kind of pictures would one get, he wondered? Would the camera make it to its destination?”
·· Smile, you’re on camera mail! A camera’s journey across America
Corinne Vionnet: Photo Opportunities
Corinne Vionnet: Photo Opportunities
Combining hundreds of landmark snapshots into one ghostly, layered photo. “Series of photographic works entitled ‘Photo Opportunities’, from hundreds of snapshots of tourist locations found on the Internet. By collecting and then bringing together successive layers of around a hundred similar ‘photo souvenirs’, these images conjure up questions about representation and memory of places.”
Corinne Vionnet: Photo Opportunities
Irina Werning: Back to the Future
Irina Werning: Back to the Future
Getting people to re-enact old photos. Wonderful. “I love old photos. I admit being a nosey photographer. As soon as I step into someone else’s house, I start sniffing for them. Most of us are fascinated by their retro look but to me, it’s imagining how people would feel and look like if they were to reenact them today… A few months ago, I decided to actually do this. So, with my camera, I started inviting people to go back to their future.”
Irina Werning: Back to the Future The Collection The Collection
This is fun to browse through. "From an initial gift of eight prints and one drawing, The Museum of Modern Art's collection has grown to include 150,000 paintings, sculptures, drawings, prints, photographs, architectural models and drawings, and design objects. MoMA also owns some 22,000 films, videos, and media works, as well as film stills, scripts, posters and historical documents. The Museum's Library contains 300,000 books, artist books, and periodicals, and the Museum Archives holds approximately 2,500 linear feet of historical documentation and a photographic archive of tens of thousands of photographs, including installation views of exhibitions and images of the Museum's building and grounds."
·· The Collection