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Saved (Public Feed)

Google Help: Cheat Sheet
Google Help: Cheat Sheet
You can use symbols or words in your search to make your search results more precise. Google Search usually ignores punctuation that isn’t part of a search operator. Don’t put spaces between
Google Help: Cheat Sheet
Wikipedia: Wiki Game
Wikipedia: Wiki Game
"The Wiki Game is an hypertextual game designed to work specifically with Wikipedia." This is actually more fun than it seems it might be.
Wikipedia: Wiki Game
mezzoblue: IE Notes
mezzoblue: IE Notes
"On dumping Internet Explorer, how you can provide feedback to the IE team, and why IE is bad for Microsoft’s business model."
mezzoblue: IE Notes
Strong Bad Email Secrets
Strong Bad Email Secrets
Detailed instructions on finding each of the secrets in all of the Strong Bad emails.
Strong Bad Email Secrets
Paul Graham
Paul Graham
Essays and more on technology, language, culture, and more.
Paul Graham