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#culture Your Brain on Computers — Attached to Technology and Paying a Price Your Brain on Computers — Attached to Technology and Paying a Price
This guy seems to have some family issues that his addiction to incoming data via screens is severely aggravating. I experience, on a smaller scale, some of the problems outlined in this article, and, though none of this is particularly new to me, it's frightening to see these habits taken down the slippery slope. Should all of us, and especially people like Kord, make a concerted effort to make screens less a part of our lives, lest we lose our humanity? Or is trying to avoid technology's increasing integration with our every second just being traditionally biased and counter-progressive? I think there is a middle ground where one can be hooked in and focused on doing work while still not ignoring ones' children. Food for thought.
·· Your Brain on Computers — Attached to Technology and Paying a Price
kung fu grippe: On ‘Conspicuous Compassion.’
kung fu grippe: On ‘Conspicuous Compassion.’
Why I don't think I'm a curmudgeon for thinking the green Iran icons are a joke. "…if you believe for one minute that publicly agreeing with an echo chamber is changing anyone’s mind, behavior, or outlook, you need to stand up, locate your disused front door, walk the fuck through it, and then go spend a full (unwired) day doing something to actually help another person."
kung fu grippe: On ‘Conspicuous Compassion.’
Riff Market: Regarding Hipster Runoff's Animal Collective Post
Riff Market: Regarding Hipster Runoff's Animal Collective Post
"You can try to know, and own the fact that there are things you do not know, or you can be knowing, and hide your own ignorance with sideways shots of been-there done-that familiarity. You can understand that shit happens and try your best to keep things together and accomplish something against all odds — YOU CAN DANCE, as this album begins — or you can blow up the hospital just to show everyone that at any moment anywhere, a hospital can blow up for no fucking reason whatsoever."
Riff Market: Regarding Hipster Runoff's Animal Collective Post
Wikipedia : Hobo
Wikipedia : Hobo
A hobo is a migrant worker in the United States. Hoboes, tramps and bums are generally regarded as related, but distinct: a hobo travels and is willing to work; a tramp travels, but avoids work if possible; and a bum neither travels nor works.
Wikipedia : Hobo
Goodreads: Kevin Fanning reviews 'Twilight'
Goodreads: Kevin Fanning reviews 'Twilight'
Basically: It's sometimes amateurish, and there's troubling misogyny, but is that so bad? I say, and I think this is what Kevin is getting at, is that the age-old paradigm of adults worrying about young minds being influenced by media is a bit more complicated -- I think more than a new idea being introduced and etched onto a young mind by 'Twilight', the more likely circumstance is that the ideas therein subtly reinforce existing ideas that the child is already exposed to.
Goodreads: Kevin Fanning reviews 'Twilight'