The Morning News: Look at This Fucking Hipster Basher by Robert Lanham"The rage and self-loathing associated with hipsters has become more annoying, more naive, and more artificial than hipsters could ever hope to be."#hipsters#society#america#culture#anthropology#nyc#people··Jul 2, 2009The Morning News: Look at This Fucking Hipster Basher by Robert Lanham
National Hobo MuseumCheck out the "Hobo Code" page.#hobo#culture#museum#america#language#society#people··Jan 29, 2009National Hobo Museum The Peculiar 20th CenturyChristopher Fahey on the cycles of adoption and adaptation that determine how we interact with technology and media. Maybe we'll all be okay after all.#history#technology#society#america#people··Mar 6, The Peculiar 20th Century