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Evgeny Morozov: Kickstarter’s crowdfunding won’t save indie filmmaking. (Slate Magazine)
Evgeny Morozov: Kickstarter’s crowdfunding won’t save indie filmmaking. (Slate Magazine)
To assess a film's odds of success (because even crowdfunders don’t want to back a loser), a prospective funder would want to know what people in the know—who are part of the “industry” in one way or another—make of it. This is the point often missed by those hailing Kickstarter as a revolutionary project that could emancipate the artists: What defines potential “success” for their film is still very much defined by the industry heavyweights.
Evgeny Morozov: Kickstarter’s crowdfunding won’t save indie filmmaking. (Slate Magazine)
Keith Calder: vhxtv: We’re very proud to announce that VHX is powering the worldwide release of Indie Game: The Movie on June 12
Keith Calder: vhxtv: We’re very proud to announce that VHX is powering the worldwide release of Indie Game: The Movie on June 12
But this is it. This is where we start. Crowd-funded on Kickstarter; self-released on iTunes, Steam, and VHX. Our Edison is Steve Jobs, our Chaplin is Louis CK, our multiplex is VHX, and our Warner Brothers is Kickstarter. I hope you can be our Hitchcock, our Curtiz, our Méliès, or our Griffith.
Keith Calder: vhxtv: We’re very proud to announce that VHX is powering the worldwide release of Indie Game: The Movie on June 12