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Water.css is a just-add-css collection of styles to make simple websites like this just a little bit nicer.
Icon fonts for web designers with added flexibility, including multiple button shapes and a unique multi-color option. Free and open source, Stackicons-Social includes finely-crafted icons for over 60 social brands. The Stackicons project is by Parker Bennett, a web designer and front-end developer based in Los Angeles.
Dave Klein: Interview with Paul Irish, HTML5 expert and community leader (Inspire Magazine)
Dave Klein: Interview with Paul Irish, HTML5 expert and community leader (Inspire Magazine)
I think it’s important to publish what you learn. There’s really no school for front-end development. You can’t go to a university for a JavaScript degree or a class about how browsers work. Most of us learn from blogs and Twitter. Early in my career, I learned a bunch of things whenever I worked on a project, but I never told other people about them. So my general advice is to publish what you learn, share with the community, and collaborate on projects that help move the community forward.
Dave Klein: Interview with Paul Irish, HTML5 expert and community leader (Inspire Magazine)
Google Code: The Golden Grid
Google Code: The Golden Grid
This may be worth looking into. I waffle on whether this sort of thing is ultimately a good decision — you're relying on someone else's framework, it takes a while to learn and master, and once you decide to go with it you're essentially stuck with it. But isn't that the case with any pseudo-framework developed for a website design? I should test this on a little project.
Google Code: The Golden Grid
Blueprint, A CSS Framework by Olav Bjørkøy
Blueprint, A CSS Framework by Olav Bjørkøy
"Blueprint is a CSS framework, which aims to cut down on your CSS development time. It gives you a solid CSS foundation to build your project on top of, with an easy-to-use grid, sensible typography, and even a stylesheet for printing."
Blueprint, A CSS Framework by Olav Bjørkøy