Found 29 bookmarks
Jeremy Larson: Got Me in My Feelings: Why Drake Isn't as Emotional as You Think (Pitchfork)
Jeremy Larson: Got Me in My Feelings: Why Drake Isn't as Emotional as You Think (Pitchfork)
Love is a dog from hell, as it's said, and real emotion is ugly and uncomfortable, and it’s why some people giggle when they see a man keening or screaming or crying -- but Drake knows that all this has to be tempered and digestible to be disseminated and reach as many people as possible.
Jeremy Larson: Got Me in My Feelings: Why Drake Isn't as Emotional as You Think (Pitchfork)
Brandon Soderberg: Is 'Yeezus' the Tipping Point for Rap Misogyny? (SPIN)
Brandon Soderberg: Is 'Yeezus' the Tipping Point for Rap Misogyny? (SPIN)
Rap music clearly has a serious misogyny problem. Admitting that won't lead to the elimination of the music altogether and it doesn't mean that all other social issues have to take a backseat. But once the problem has been acknowledged, let's don't just leave the self-evident truth sitting there. Actually continue to think about this stuff. Too often, rap's misogyny has been treated as a given. And that's just as dangerous.
Brandon Soderberg: Is 'Yeezus' the Tipping Point for Rap Misogyny? (SPIN)
Steven Hyden: Afterword: Roger Ebert (Pitchfork)
Steven Hyden: Afterword: Roger Ebert (Pitchfork)
But as much as he was teaching me about movies, Roger Ebert was also showing me how to write-- I became a student of clean and concise sentences that emphasized clarity and the right balance of humor, thoughtfulness, and accessibility, as well as how to shape my raw impressions into well-rounded opinions that cohered on the page into narratives. The idea that the most interesting part of a movie happens after you see it-- during the post-mortems you have with others and with yourself in your own head-- was something that carried over easily to the songs and albums I was discovering at the time.
Steven Hyden: Afterword: Roger Ebert (Pitchfork)
Chris Ott: The Sheep Take a Buffalo Stance (New York Times)
Chris Ott: The Sheep Take a Buffalo Stance (New York Times)
Everyone's relationship to music has changed because of the Internet, and in a way that invalidates year-in-review summaries: We rank and file music all year long on our blogs and web magazines, in the list-drenched advertorial press, and even on our iPods. If everyone's a critic, do we still need a critics' poll?
Chris Ott: The Sheep Take a Buffalo Stance (New York Times)
Daniel Mendelsohn: A Critic's Manifesto: The Intersection of Expertise and Taste (The New Yorker)
Daniel Mendelsohn: A Critic's Manifesto: The Intersection of Expertise and Taste (The New Yorker)
what has made us all anxious about truth and accuracy in personal narrative is not so much the published memoirs that turn out to be false or exaggerated, which has often been the case, historically, but rather the unprecedented explosion of personal writing (and inaccuracy and falsehood) online, in Web sites and blogs and anonymous commentary—forums where there are no editors and fact-checkers and publishers to point an accusing finger at.
Daniel Mendelsohn: A Critic's Manifesto: The Intersection of Expertise and Taste (The New Yorker)
Brandon Soderberg: Rappers and Same-Sex Marriage: How Much Do You Really Care? (Spin)
Brandon Soderberg: Rappers and Same-Sex Marriage: How Much Do You Really Care? (Spin)
Rappers are presented as violent, vulgar sexists and homophobes, and then they're not only expected to have fully-formed opinions on social issues, but progressive ones. This is an ugly update on the always implicit, often explicit demand that hip-hop, if it is to be lauded and celebrated, must espouse a strong, left-leaning political message.
Brandon Soderberg: Rappers and Same-Sex Marriage: How Much Do You Really Care? (Spin)
Lindsay Zoladz: Mind Is Your Might: Fiona Apple's Oversharing (Pitchfork)
Lindsay Zoladz: Mind Is Your Might: Fiona Apple's Oversharing (Pitchfork)
…the way that people have written and talked about the searing physical images of her recent performances—her sinewy muscles and berserk movements and haphazardly-scrunchied hair—suggest that she’s providing [an unexpected jolt of humanness in the ever-churning, willfully plastic cultural machine], that she's a savior for those who need one (and, to be sure, not all of us do) from these airbrush’d, cyborg’d, sea-punk’d times. Because the wild physicality of these performances reminds us of our own muscle and bone.
Lindsay Zoladz: Mind Is Your Might: Fiona Apple's Oversharing (Pitchfork)
Nitsuh Abebe: Why We Fight: Your Chemical Romance (Pitchfork)
Nitsuh Abebe: Why We Fight: Your Chemical Romance (Pitchfork)
People born during a dip in the birth rate grow up consuming a lot of culture that's aimed at someone older than them. People born during a boom do not do cultural apprenticeship, because everything is quickly aimed at them; they watch the things that appeal to their age group bloom and succeed, whether anyone else is interested in it or not. This is why some Americans have spent decades clutching their heads as the Baby Boom generation makes big chunks of our world revolve around itself: Large cohorts have a large gravitational pull.
Nitsuh Abebe: Why We Fight: Your Chemical Romance (Pitchfork)
Jon Caramanica: Rihanna and Chris Brown Appear on Each Other’s Songs (
Jon Caramanica: Rihanna and Chris Brown Appear on Each Other’s Songs (
‘If the songs were dull or disposable, they’d still be important, but they might matter less. But they’re both good, “Birthday Cake” very much so. The quality matters because they’re likely to lodge themselves in the public consciousness and seep onto radio playlists: this mess won’t just melt into the air.’
Jon Caramanica: Rihanna and Chris Brown Appear on Each Other’s Songs (
Maura Johnston: How Not to Write About Female Musicians: A Handy Guide (Village Voice)
Maura Johnston: How Not to Write About Female Musicians: A Handy Guide (Village Voice)
‘1. Go through your piece and flip the gender of your descriptive phrases' subjects. Are there any that sound ludicrous as a result? 2. Are you essentially making shit up about the artist in order to sexualize her? 3. Are you comparing the artist you're writing about to other female artists only? If so, why? 4. Are you writing about a moment where your subject flirts with you and you respond in kind?’
Maura Johnston: How Not to Write About Female Musicians: A Handy Guide (Village Voice)
Sasha Frere-Jones: The Grammy Awards: Chris Brown Overload (The New Yorker)
Sasha Frere-Jones: The Grammy Awards: Chris Brown Overload (The New Yorker)
‘Woman-beating rage-broccoli Chris Brown lip-synced his single “Turn Up the Music” (without being threatened by Sir Elton John) and danced roughly as well as a third-rate Chicago footwork dancer. He ended his performance by back-flipping off the stage, though sadly not off the earth.’
Sasha Frere-Jones: The Grammy Awards: Chris Brown Overload (The New Yorker)
Amy Rebecca Klein: The Last Thing I'll Ever Write About Lana Del Rey
Amy Rebecca Klein: The Last Thing I'll Ever Write About Lana Del Rey
‘Exploring “what a woman should be” is boring and cliche in the 21st century, and perhaps that is why Lana Del Rey seems to many to be so bored and sad on stage. So let’s take Lana Del Rey for what she is—a pop star playing a role, a woman whose real life we know nothing about—and learn from what she’s taught us about our own insufferable addiction to a vapid version of femininity. In the future, I’m hoping we’ll accept more female artists who are interested in mining the depths of who they really are.’
Amy Rebecca Klein: The Last Thing I'll Ever Write About Lana Del Rey
Steven Hyden: The monoculture is a myth (
Steven Hyden: The monoculture is a myth (
‘If we stop looking to the past, we might realize that we’re living in a golden age of music listening and discussion. The Internet has enabled more people to hear more music than at any point in human history. More people are writing about music than ever — on websites, on personal blogs and Facebook pages.’
Steven Hyden: The monoculture is a myth (
Vulture: Nitsuh: Watch the Throne: Uneasy Heads Wear Gaudy Crowns
Vulture: Nitsuh: Watch the Throne: Uneasy Heads Wear Gaudy Crowns
“It’s a portrait of two black men thinking through the idea of success in America; what happens when your view of yourself as a suppressed, striving underdog has to give way to the admission that you’ve succeeded about as much as it’s worth bothering with; and how much your victory can really relate to (or feel like it’s on behalf of) your onetime peers who haven’t got a shred of what you’ve won. It’s not a topic that deserves to be scrubbed up, either; there are things about Kanye’s tiresome self-involvement and moody debauchery — the way he sounds like some sullen hip-hop emperor, stalking around the crumbling gilded palace of his own psyche, muttering angrily and getting aggressive with the help — that belong in any such portrait.”
Vulture: Nitsuh: Watch the Throne: Uneasy Heads Wear Gaudy Crowns Listen Closely by B Michael Payne: Love the Music, Ignore the Message: How Critics Are Failing Odd Future Listen Closely by B Michael Payne: Love the Music, Ignore the Message: How Critics Are Failing Odd Future
"Overall, there seems to be a critical disconnect between the way the predominantly white, male critical establishment writes about violence and misogyny—especially as it’s primarily exhibited in hip-hop, i.e., music made predominantly by black artists. Critics such as these seem uncommonly drawn to violent, misogynistic music simply because it is shocking. This thrill of novelty seems to be nothing more than a fetishization of an alien culture."
·· Listen Closely by B Michael Payne: Love the Music, Ignore the Message: How Critics Are Failing Odd Future
Riff Market: Regarding Hipster Runoff's Animal Collective Post
Riff Market: Regarding Hipster Runoff's Animal Collective Post
"You can try to know, and own the fact that there are things you do not know, or you can be knowing, and hide your own ignorance with sideways shots of been-there done-that familiarity. You can understand that shit happens and try your best to keep things together and accomplish something against all odds — YOU CAN DANCE, as this album begins — or you can blow up the hospital just to show everyone that at any moment anywhere, a hospital can blow up for no fucking reason whatsoever."
Riff Market: Regarding Hipster Runoff's Animal Collective Post