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Pitchfork: Odd Future Mixtapes
Pitchfork: Odd Future Mixtapes
“A year ago, when nobody knew who they were, the demonic L.A. skate-rat rap collective Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All cranked out music at an alarming rate. And now that nobody will shut up about them, they’re still doing the same thing. Since 2008, Odd Future have released no fewer than 12 full-length albums, as well as assorted between-releases singles — all available free on their Tumblr. Some of those releases are brilliant, paradigm-shifting works of violent vision. Others are entirely forgettable. Almost all of them are worth your hard-drive real estate, and almost all of them will confound you in one way or another. Below, you'll find a guide to every single one of those albums, from their introductory 2008 ‘The Odd Future Tape’ to Frank Ocean’s ‘Nostalgia, Ultra.’, the experimental R&B tape that the crew released just a few weeks ago.”
Pitchfork: Odd Future Mixtapes
Serge Musician's Tape, 1983
Serge Musician's Tape, 1983
"In 1983 the Serge Modular company produced a demo cassette featuring many artists using the Serge Modular synthesizer." Experimental electronic.
Serge Musician's Tape, 1983
Kiddie Records
Kiddie Records
"In 2005, Basic Hip Digital Oddio will feature an entire year of albums from the golden age of kiddie records, lovingly transferred from the original 78s and encoded to 192kbps MP3 format. That's one a week for 52 weeks!"
Kiddie Records