Idea: Video “Mix Tapes”Includes Jan Svankmajer's fantastic "Et Cetera."#video#mix#youtube#vhs#modernart··Oct 25, Idea: Video “Mix Tapes”
motel de moka: Radio_head (November 14, 2007)An excellent playlist that subtly funhouse-mirrors each track of "In Rainbows", exploring and expanding on themes, influences, and directions. This is awesome.#radiohead#music#mp3#mp3blogs#free#playlist#mix#mixtape··Apr 12, 2008motel de moka: Radio_head (November 14, 2007)
Afhakers: Matching Album CoversAwesome advertising campaign that arranges album artwork to create a bigger image.#music#art#collage#inspiration#mashup#mix#advertising··Nov 14, 2007Afhakers: Matching Album Covers
The DFA Radiomix SeriesTranscendental at points.#music#mp3#free#DFA#mix··Mar 31, 2007The DFA Radiomix Series
Luke79: The Unanswered QuestionA great mix.#mix#music··Apr 6, 2006Luke79: The Unanswered Question