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Mark Richardson: A Couple of Thoughts on the Springsteen Keynote
Mark Richardson: A Couple of Thoughts on the Springsteen Keynote
All of which to say that Springsteen is very canny about his legacy. He’s smart and he should be. And he’s done a lot of good and made a ton of incredible music and inspired and even changed the lives of many people, including mine. But you have to remember to keep those two contradictory ideas about him in mind at the same time.
Mark Richardson: A Couple of Thoughts on the Springsteen Keynote
Eric Harvey: Bob Dylan's Great White Wonder: The Story of the World's First Album Leak (Pitchfork)
Eric Harvey: Bob Dylan's Great White Wonder: The Story of the World's First Album Leak (Pitchfork)
On one basic level, what happened in 1969 with Wonder—and what happens every day with mp3 leaks—illuminates a very basic economic fact: Official markets will always lead to unsanctioned ones that feed off of the legit products—and often operate much more efficiently. Consumer desire has never automatically limited itself to strictly legal operations, particularly when fans can convince themselves (often rightly) that they’re doing no harm to the artists.
Eric Harvey: Bob Dylan's Great White Wonder: The Story of the World's First Album Leak (Pitchfork)