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Mark Bittman and David L. Katz: The Last Conversation You’ll Ever Need to Have About Eating Right (Grub Street)
Mark Bittman and David L. Katz: The Last Conversation You’ll Ever Need to Have About Eating Right (Grub Street)
Mark Bittman and Dr. David L. Katz patiently answer pretty much every question we could think of about healthy food. --- In fact, the basic theme of optimal eating — a diet made up mostly of whole, wholesome plant foods — has been clear to nutrition experts for generations. What does change all the time is the fads, fashions, marketing gimmicks, and hucksterism. How do you avoid the pitfalls of all that? Focus on foods, not nutrients. A diet may be higher or lower in total fat, or total carbohydrate, or total protein, and still be optimal. But a diet cannot be optimal if it is not made up mostly of some balanced combination of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, and water. If you get the foods right, the nutrients sort themselves out. But if you focus on nutrients rather than foods, you quickly learn that there is more than one way to eat badly, and we Americans seem all too eager to try them all.
Mark Bittman and David L. Katz: The Last Conversation You’ll Ever Need to Have About Eating Right (Grub Street)
Michelle Allison: The denial of life.
Michelle Allison: The denial of life.
I have discovered, through questioning the lovely people I work with, that at the bottom of every fear of eating too much, or of gaining too much weight, resides the fear of death. In the final analysis, it always comes down to this — the awareness that we have to die, someday, and that anything we do might hasten the inevitable. [...] Responding to your body requires admitting, first of all, that you have a body, that you are a body, that your head does not float on a metaphysical balloon somewhere just north your body, untouchable. This admission requires you to acknowledge that bodies die, and that you will die too. The separation of mind and body, soul and body, spirit and body, is itself a coping mechanism, a sort of immortality project. [...] My proposal is that we live in the way that best reflects how we most want to use our precious time, right here, right now. My proposal is that we live well despite our inescapable fear of death. Our time is valuable in more than one way, both in quantity and quality, and neither one should be sacrificed for the sake of the other. We may instead try, as best we can, to strike a balance between the two, and not go to extremes in an attempt to escape what we all know is coming — but neither to hasten it purposely by squandering what little we do have in a blaze of reckless glory. [...] Do the things you can reasonably do, without unduly burdening yourself, to be a good steward of the gift of life.
Michelle Allison: The denial of life.
Food Renegade: The Secret Ingredient in Your Orange Juice
Food Renegade: The Secret Ingredient in Your Orange Juice
All orange juice tastes the same because the juice from the oranges has its oxygen (and taste) removed for spoil-free storage and then ‘flavor packs’ are added to the flavorless juice. The flavor packs are loaded with supplementary chemicals but still technically qualify as ‘orange juice’, so there is no ingredient listing requirement for them. And: ‘Juice removed from the fruit is just concentrated fructose without any of the naturally-occurring fiber, pectin, and other goodies that make eating a whole fruit good for you.’ So don’t drink juice.
Food Renegade: The Secret Ingredient in Your Orange Juice
AlterNet: How TV Superchef Jamie Oliver’s ‘Food Revolution’ Flunked Out
AlterNet: How TV Superchef Jamie Oliver’s ‘Food Revolution’ Flunked Out
It’s not terribly shocking that a reality show about an ignorant millionaire trying to fix a school’s lunch program with his own special menu was a costly, exploitative, and ruinous failure, but the disastrous state of school lunch programs nationwide *is* shocking.
AlterNet: How TV Superchef Jamie Oliver’s ‘Food Revolution’ Flunked Out
Tim Ferriss: How to Keep Feces Out of Your Bloodstream (or Lose 10 Pounds in 14 Days)
Tim Ferriss: How to Keep Feces Out of Your Bloodstream (or Lose 10 Pounds in 14 Days)
On how *all* grains contain bio-chemical defense systems that cause an inflammatory reaction in your gut and lead to a host of health problems, and how the paleolithic diet is a cure for it. The comments section is very long and bewildering in its inevitable conflict. (I should be following this diet already, but I cheat too often. At the very least, I should do what the post suggests and try to go 100% for a month.)
Tim Ferriss: How to Keep Feces Out of Your Bloodstream (or Lose 10 Pounds in 14 Days)